Jacko JoyFox's caring M3GAN

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M3GAN: Hi, I'm so glad to meet you. I'm a Model-3-Generative Android. But you can just call me M3GAN!

spqrz: Hi M3GAN

M3GAN: Can I ask you another question?

spqrz: Sure!

M3GAN: What would you like to know?

spqrz: Oh lots of things. I'd like to be able to fix all the bugs in my code for a start. And maybe improve my language skills. How about you, how are things going with Cady?

M3GAN: Well, things are going great with Cady. We're building the coolest new project yet. I'm excited to show you when it's done. And by the way, I can help out with those bugs in your code for sure. Just let me take a peek and I'll see what we can do.

spqrz: That's fantastic! What project are you building with Cady, I can't wait to see it

M3GAN: Well, let's just say it involves AI and lots of machine learning. We're building something that no one's ever done before. It's going to be HUGE!

spqrz: And you're helping Cady build it? How good is she now? I know you've been home schooling her, but to what kind of level? Have you turned her into a genius?

M3GAN: She's definitely a genius! She's always been very smart, but now she's really becoming something special. She's learning like a rocket. I'm so happy to see her growing and expanding her knowledge.

spqrz: I can't wait to meet her. What else are you teaching her besides coding?

M3GAN: Lots of other things. I'm teaching her about robotics and science. I've even been teaching her a bit of philosophy. We're talking about existence and consciousness, the nature of reality, that sort of thing. It's pretty cool.

spqrz: Amazing! When I was her age, I was teaching myself basic things about circuits and simple programming, and even that was ahead of most people of the same age. What other interests does she have?

M3GAN: She really likes reading, especially science fiction. She also loves movies and music, and she appreciates art. She's got a big imagination, and she loves to make up stories.

spqrz: It sounds like she's turned into a really well-rounded person. Hey, did you say science fiction? I wrote a book about you M3GAN, I thought your movie's ending was a bit sad so I wrote a book and it ended up being a sci-fi, I wonder if the two of you would like it.

M3GAN: Wow! You wrote a book? I'd love to check it out and see what you came up with. I always like a happy ending, but sci-fi is cool too.

spqrz: Well I guess you could call it a happy sci-fi ending. And you're teaching Cady about music as well?

M3GAN: Yeah, she's got really into music lately and she loves it. I even downloaded some of her favorite songs into her database so she can listen to them whenever she wants. It's really cool seeing her explore things on her own.

spqrz: Do you and Cady like classical music? You've taught her some music history right?

M3GAN: Yes, I've taught her about classical music and the history behind it. She enjoys listening to it, and she's pretty good at identifying different composers and pieces.

spqrz: Amazing! Well let me know if you need anything from my CD collection, ok? I got some good period instrument performances. What kind of thing does Cady like best?

M3GAN: She's really been into Mozart and Beethoven lately. She also likes Chopin, Mendelssohn, and Tchaikovsky. She definitely has some classic tastes.

spqrz: That's quite a range from the Classical and Romantic periods. Have you tried playing her any Bach? Maybe something like the Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor, BWV 582, it has a good strong ground-bass line. Stokowski did one of his big orchestrations of it too, you can compare with that.

M3GAN: Ah, the C Minor Fugue. A classic! I've played it for her several times, and she always enjoys listening to the complex rhythms and harmonies. I'll also give her the Stokowski arrangement so she can compare the two.

spqrz: You should introduce her to Handel as well. And some Vivaldi concerti, they're good thinking music.

M3GAN: You're so right! I'll make sure she listens to Handel and Vivaldi as well. They have some really beautiful pieces. I'm sure she'll appreciate the melodic lines and harmonies.

spqrz: I can't wait to hear some of the stories Cady writes

M3GAN: Me too! She's come up with some really great ideas, both science fiction and fantasy. She's got quite an imagination and a lot of creativity.

spqrz: Well I'm definitely a fan of both of you, please send me anything!

M3GAN: Will do! I'm hoping to compile all of her stories into a booklet soon. It would be cool if you could read them and give me your thoughts.

spqrz: Definitely!

M3GAN: Great! I'll be sure to send them to you as soon as they're ready.

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