chapter 7

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sic blared out the rolled-down windows of the Impala, Stella singing along with Ella trying to do the same as her mom. The sound of tiny hands clapping along with the song playing on the radio, little laughs bubbling out of the little girl in the backseat. Stella smiled at her through the mirror, when they heard the sound of a motorcycle getting closer to them, Ella turned her head to look at the window, seeing the older man from yesterday. He waved at the little girl with a smile, then pulled closer to Stella’s door. “Follow me, Please Lass.” His Scottish accent sounded through his words, and he nodded her head. Chibs pulled forward down the road heading the opposite way of her house. He had pulled into an empty parking lot. Looking back at Ella. “You stay inside unless I come to get you.” Stella said in a stern voice to her, Ella nodded her head at the words. Grabbing her small 4” shooter, Stella opened her door, Steeping biker boots on the gravel parking lot ground, her hand on the rolled-down window, she pushed herself up, and out of the car. Chibs had taken to removing his helmet, glasses, and gloves, then removing himself from his seat on the Harley. Chibs made his way over to her, then noticing the gun in her hand, holding up his hands, he looked back at her face. “Alright lass, I just wanted to say hi, and talk to you no weapon needed.” Looking into his eyes, she kept a straight face. “Ok, what do you want then?” Chibs looked at the woman with surprise, he had heard of what Jax described Stella to be like, ‘Shy, gentle, and loving.’ is what he had said a year and a half ago but now looking at her standing in front of him, he could think of different words to use for her. ‘Tough, outspoken, and beautiful.’ He could see it, the moment he met you as you held your little girl with such care and love, he could see that you would kill for that little one in your arms. There was no doubt in his mind that you have or did for her, your eyes were not as bright in photos that Jax’s had shown him, They held darkness to them. “I just wanted to see how little Ella is doing, since you moved in.” Chibs spoke softly looking at the woman, nodding her head. “She’s fine, got to meet her half-brother today.” Stella spoke with a smile on her lips, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “I thought you would hate Wendy.” Chibs said what he would have thought she would be with the woman. “No, Wendy and I were good friends back then, and she made it clear that she wasn’t one of Jax’s whore when I was here. Now after I left, that was a different story. I still talk to her now, and then. Wendy gave parental rights to Abel when she was sober. So Abel is my son, and Gemma can kiss my ass.” Stella spoke with a small smile on her face, then she started making her way back to the car. “Oh, and Chibs I will be taking my son, I know Wendy, Be a dear and tell Jaxs for me.” She said as she placed her feet inside the car. The sounds of a happy 2 to 3-year-old girl came to the back seat of the car, making Stella smile at the blonde little girl. Stella drove away leaving a dumbfounded Chibs Telford, making his way back to the clubhouse, Jaxs came up to the man asking about Stella. “She said that Wendy gave her parental rights to Abel, and they kept in contact over the two years. And She will be taking her son. Jaxs, I’d watch what to do, say, or go at the woman. Something in her is different from what you knew her to be.” Jaxs looked shocked at the news that his still wife was going to be taking Abel. Questions like, ‘Will she move away once she gets ahold of him? Will she stay?Why didn’t Wendy tell me about this.’ Gemma had stood to the side talking to one of the other old ladies when Chibs spoke, causing her to listen in, Gemma knew that girl was trouble the moment that Jaxs married her, Hell they were still married and Jaxs was doing nothing to end it. She did not like this at all, heading to her husband's office. Gemma stormed into the meeting room. “You have to do something, she’s gonna take him!” Gemma spoke with hate and Clay looked at his wife, after she spoke he asked the one question that seemed ridiculous to Gemma. “Who?” Gemma rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Stella, of course. Wendy gave Parental rights to the woman. She’s gonna take my grandbaby.” Clay watched as Gemma went on about Stella, Clay had a soft spot for the young wife of Jaxs, more of uncle type than father, but no less; Gemma didn’t like that Stella was taking the baby, so he had to do something. “I’ll see what I can do, Gemma.” He grunted out at his wife. 

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