Doctor: Looking at the results I think u guys should pull the baby stuff back out cause it looks like u are 6 weeks pregnant congrats

Cici: Thanks I guess u hear that Laurie u are going to be a big sister aren’t u excited

Lauryn: No (that’s her favorite word & the only one she can really say)

Prince: (laughing) It looks like we are having another baby hopefully it’s a boy this time

Doctor: Well u will have to wait a few months too see but I can give u an ultrasound now if u want

Cici: (handing Lauryn to Prince) Sure why not

 Ciarah lays on the table & the doctor put the gel on her stomach & moves the tool on her stomach

Doctor: (pointing to the screen) There is your baby right there its starting to develop

Prince: Can we get a heartbeat now or is it too early

Doctor: Let me see (messing with the machines) u might be able to hear one since they are can be detected around 6 weeks or later

Cici: We didn’t hear a heartbeat with Lauryn until I was about 7 or 8 weeks

Doctor: Sometimes they are different but I think I’m getting a very faint heartbeat (turning up the machine)

Prince: Aye I hear it (smiling) Lauriebear u gone be a big sister (tickling her)

Lauryn: (squirming in his arms, laughing)

Doctor: Well let me print these pics out & prescribe u some prenatal vitamins & stop at the front desk to make another appointment in 2 weeks (wiping the stuff oh her stomach)

Cici: Will do & thank u doc

The doctor goes & gets the ultrasound pics & the prescription & they leave

Bee & Prod are chilling at his condo while Brea is sleep in the other room (she has her own room over there)

Bee: (laying on Prod’s bare chest) So what are we doing for thanksgiving this year our first real thanksgiving together cause last year didn’t count that was horrible

Prod: Yea cause that turkey was blackened, charred, extra crispy (laughing)

Bee: It was your fault I told u to watch it while I ran to the store & u left it in the oven (pushing his chest lightly)

Prod: It still looked raw so I turned the oven up & I guess it burnt it but thank God we ending up going to your mom’s house for dinner cause we would have starved (rubbing her back) but my mom wants me to come to Philly this year like I usually do for thanksgiving

Bee: So u were just going to leave me here with the crazies

Prod: No cause I was gone see if u & Brea wanted to come with me u know introduce ya’ll to the rest of the fam & show u how we do it in the east coast

Bee: I don’t know about that Brea on a plane might not be the best idea & I don’t really like planes either

Prod: I understand cause as many times I’ve been on a plane I still get scared specially when turbulence hits (laughing) I be ready to get a life jacket & jump & the rest of them be knocked out like they don’t feel that

Bee: (laughing) U be wide awake scared for your life no matter how tired u are but when are u trying to fly out there

Prod: We can leave that Tuesday & come back that Sunday if that’s ok with u

LIVIN' THE MINDLESS LIFE - THE BEGINNING (PREQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now