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Miyah Johnson crater |21|atl

It's been 1 month and I'm finally moving to Atlanta I had to get my things packed

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It's been 1 month and I'm finally moving to Atlanta I had to get my things packed. I had to get all my paperwork and everything I needed. It had to be prefect for when I move to Atlanta.

Now here is me driving to Atlanta by myself which I liked. I like to be alone  so driving alone so far is fun me.

My parents and sister didn't want me to leave but was glad I was getting better for myself I was glad I was getting better for myself.

Until my house is ready I would be staying at tay house which I was excited catching back up with him would be fun.

Next week I have to go look at the shop I would be renting until the shop Im owning will be ready.
I was currently at the store buying me some snacks for when I be at tay house . I finally made it to Atlanta it was going great so far. I was still heartbroken from how my ex did me but I was getting over it.

I paid and left , I was extremely excited seeing tay it was like our old days when we were out and having fun.

I also have therapy next week which I am excited about. I was excited about my whole journey I wanted to leave Chicago in my past and just have fun and be free.

I turned my playlist on and continued to drive I had 20 minutes before I arrived to tay house.

It's been 2 minutes and I'm still standing at tay door I was nervous to see him again I haven't seen him in 2 years so I was scared.

I finally built up the courage to knock on the door . As I waited for him to open the door I applied lipgloss on my lips.

He came to the door and I ran into his arms and tears just escaped my eyes. I was a very emotional person seeing him made me cry because I missed him so much.

" stop that crybaby shit Miyah." Tay said mugging me.

"Im just happy to see you ." I said wiping my tears .

"I missed your lil ass too, now come on and tell me why you moved down here because I know it's a reason and why your bitch ass nigga not with you ?" Tay said grabbing my bags.

Tay didn't like my ex simply because he thought I was too good for him which he was right because my ex wasn't the best looking guy not only that he didn't have a job.

" we broke up 2 months ago he was living a double life , that's all I'm saying I'm deciding to Leave that whole situation in Chicago ." I said shrugging.

" I see , you hungry or sum?" Tay said pulling his phone out.

" yes can you buy me some chipotle ?" I said smiling . I never had chipotle the one in Chicago wasn't very good but I heard the one in Atalanta was very good.

" yea I'm finna DoorDash I don't feel like driving ."Tay said making me nod.

" so where's my room ?" I said looking around Tay nice decorated house.

"Upstairs the second bedroom."Tay said making me smile .

" your the best bestie ever ." I said running up to my room.

I walked to my room and it was decorated nicely  , a nice size bed , the room was decorated black my favorite and it had a bathroom which made me smile .

Life going good hope it stays this way .

Life going good hope it stays this way

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Excuse the mistakes

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