Years Later

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Kuroki scanned her recreation of the framed photo in her old room. "Everything will be all right, Kuroki... there is no doubt in my mind that you are capable of winning." Shiroizu echoed in her mind. The drawing of her father gave her a blank stare. She glared at it then snatched a pen and scratched it out until nothing was visible. She glared further once it was done. "Nnnhh..." a headache started to linger. She got into bed just before the ache became a pulse. After a slow minute of wincing and writhing, the pulse finally subsided. She breathed and rubbed her face, but something pulled at the top of her head. She went to her mirror and saw two stubby, gold horns sticking out from her hair.

She shook her head and took one ring off when someone knocked at her door. Sean was leaning on the wall when she opened it. "Someone's here to see you." "I am not expecting anyone." he shrugged and motioned to the front door. Kuroki stepped out and stopped just as quickly. The stranger wore a horned mask that scowled at her with warped features. 

Akuma no Futago (悪魔の双子)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя