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"Your father had a heart attack"


place: miami, fl


Asia's grin dropped instantly once she had heard her mom's news. 

"Wh- hu- R-repeat?" Unstoppable tears began to roll down Asia's cheeks as she heard her mother break down on the other end of the phone. 

"I don't understand.." she whispered tearfully. "HE'S IN HOSPITAL!" her mom shouted at her. Normally, she would be shout back but given the circumstance, she decided to just ignore her. She let her tears run down her cheek. She didn't try to wipe them away. 

"Why? How? When?" she questioned her mother, her voice shaking. "I don't know, he had a heart attack this morning. I woke up to him, well I thought he was sleeping, turns out he.." she took a pause. "I called the ambulance and I'm here" she cries and sobs.

"Ma, it's okay. I'm gon' come right now- hol on, mama" she mumbled. "What's the hospital?"

Her mom said the address and they ended the call. Asia dropped her phone on her bed. She sat on her bed, still not believing she heard happened. Thankfully, her mother lived in the same city as her so she knew the hospital. As fast as she could, she grabbed her car keys, her house keys, her phone and some other things before leaving her house. Asia knew that she was in no state to be driving but she wanted to see her father. She was mad at herself for not leaving the shower quicker. Throughout the drive, Asia tried to think and focus on better things, like her joining the main roster but the fresh news of her father wouldn't leave her mind.


place: jackson memorial hospital, miami, fl

time: 9:37


Asia exited her car, locked it and rushed inside of the hospital to the desk front. "Uh, sorry, uhm, do you have a  Meen?" Asia nervously asked the front desk lady.

The front desk lady looked at her confused but then focused on the computer list. "Uh, yeah."

"W-what room is he in?" she answered.

"Who are you to him?"

"WHAT room is HE IN?" Asia said frustrated and visibly annoyed. "Room 335, upstairs to your left" she said back. Asia didn't even reply back before speed walking towards the stairs, walking up and going the direction that she had told her. She finally reaches the room is met with crying family members sitting outside. Her sisters were reassuring their mum and her uncles and aunts were pacing up and down. There were only some cousins, maybe around 3. Asia looked around. "Any news?" Asia spoke up, fiddling with her fingers and her ring.

Her brother looked up and said no, others sighed and most ignored her, thinking about their own worries. She took a seat next to her sisters and soon the doctor came out. Her mom and her aunt rushed to the doctor and pleaded with him to tell them what was wrong. Uncle Reggie-Jacqueés' twin brother- had his face in his sweaty palms already, not looking forward to what he was going to say.

"I-.." the male doctor looked away, obviously trying to hold back tears. "TELL ME!" Rachel shouted.

"I-i'm..." he took a deep breath and Asia was in tears. "Sorry for your loss."

"NO!" they screamed. Asia's mother dropped down to the floor and began to hit her fists again the floor.

"Ma!" Asia ran up to her mother, as did her siblings to pick her up. The rest of the family were in disbelief. Weeping, even. Asia wanted to tell her mom that everything was going to be alright. But she couldn't. That would a be a lie. A huge lie. Her mother lost her husband. Their father's siblings lost a brother. His parents lost a child. Asia and her siblings lost their dad.

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