Protologue Part 1

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I didn't understand. Confused and unaware of what had happened, I couldn't comprehend my situation. Now, I know you all are curious, wondering, what on earth am I talking about? I'm happy to say, we are on the same boat here.

What do I mean? First, I still don't believe what I'm saying or thinking. Two I can't talk! Okay, I can, the only trouble is I can't form a sentence, or pronounce a word, and it's driving me crazy!

Oh, great, now you're even more confused. Then allow me to shed some light on the subject.

I was minding my business, like any upstanding citizen, at least that's what many think. When I was crossing the road and suddenly a house fell on me!

Joking, I'm joking, a house didn't fall on me, unfortunately, I was run over by a truck. Cliche is not the best way to go, trust me, I don't recommend it.

And I'm not even close to the crazy part, do you want to guess?

Guess what, I was reincarnated into a baby. Not just any normal baby either, no, no, no. The universe would be out of a job if it gave anyone an easy break.

Let me give you a few hints, She's the sister of a phantom, psychically analyzes you, and has a 'jazzy' personality.

Ding, ding, ding, you're correct! I'm Jasmine Fenton, sister to Daniel Fenton who also will be the phantom. Do you also want to know one thing?

I'm a freaking baby!


Resting in a crib, with a pink blanket under me, I was surrounded by also the same horrendous color. Above me, the parents who gave birth to me, Madeline and Jack Fenton, were making faces at me in hopes I would react in a desperate attempt to make me smile. Why though? Explanation; I haven't stopped being in a grumpy mood.

The mood I'm having is completely rational. I mean, who wants to go through the pain of childhood and again too, might I add?

Staring at the two fools, I don't care if they are considered geniuses, as they continue their attempts to pull a smile from me. Jack's cheeks were puffed as he stuck his tongue out, showing no hint of my reaction, scowled deeper. The big man quickly deflated at this.

Madeline touched her husband's arm with her hand, "Come on Jack, let's leave little Jazzy be, she's probably tired from the activities."

"But Maddie! We haven't made her smile yet," Jack replied to his wife. "The doctor was concerned at her not expressing emotions as a newborn should."

"I know you're worried, so am I, but I don't think we'll get anywhere if we don't get some rest ourselves." Madeline, the short woman she was, pulled on her larger partner's arm, leading him out of the room with the pouty face of a child.

Hearing the door closed, relief filled my body. 'I thought they would never leave.'

I looked at my surroundings from my lying position, fed up with it tried to sit up. I struggled with how difficult a simple thing has become. Doing the same action for a few seconds, I quickly tire.

Huffing, I started to get frustrated at my situation, as tears began to fill my eyes and everything came down around me.

When I came here, I was shocked, having no time to process my death, being reborn, and losing everything. My thoughts were filled with my family, a life I was beginning to start, and finally feeling ready to explore having a romantic relationship. Yet, it all ended before it could happen.

I barely held back a sob from escaping my throat, the idea of it all being gone sounded unreal, and it happened.

My bottom lips wobbled, the pressure of it all becoming too much to hold in, I started to cry. Wailing and sobbing, I grieved at what I lost and could have been if only that darn trucker watched where he was driving! Giving out another wail. If only I had watched where I was walking!

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