PT 3

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'Sanemi Shinazugawa.'

Kanae sat on the leather chair in silence, him? She was still smiling, but her face lacked emotion. Kanae knew that he was feared for his short-temper and violent attitude so what would happen if she was seen with him? She thought of him as a close-friend. Nothing more.. What she didn't want most of all was the marriage to ruin their whole friendship - Kanae deeply cared and respected him for how he helps his village and family.. But did it really have to be him.?

In her moments of thinking she heard echoing in her mind,"Kanae?? Sis?? Kanae?? Hello??" then she realised she'd been staring blank for the past 5 minutes, not even hearing her sisters words.

Kanae slowly turned her head to face Shinobu, her lips twisting into a gentle and caring smile. "Are you okay?" Shinobu stopped smiling and looked at her with a calm but serious face.

"I'm fine, sis. Don't worry about me." Kanae answered firmly, swallowing the lump in her throat. Later she would have to meet up with Shinazugawa at the Wind kingdom and they would discuss things about the marriage.

Every princess or prince in this whole place had the option to refuse to marry their assigned wife/husband. Thing was - no one wanted to break the traditions going on for centuries.. and no one could muster up the courage to refuse. And she did not want to be the first one to do it.

"You need to clean up and get dressed, Kanae."
"Why so early?"
"We are going to the Wind kingdom in 20 minutes."

Kanaes eyes widened upon hearing her sisters words, now? Why so early? Usually the meet-ups were held near the end of the day so everyone could finish their duties, but it was 7 in morning and Kanae was still processing the news. Oh well, what could she do? Princesses have no freedom, they can beg but they won't get it. Princesses are only known for producing heirs to the throne and looking good. Nothing else. They should know men are their superior and they must obey their commands. This was how the entire nation saw princesses - it had not changed even in thousands of years and no-one had the courage to even try and put a stop to it. Why? Death. Off with your head if you tried. That's just how this world works. But Kanae and many princesses before and now are different, they believe everyone is equal - male or female, commoner or royalty. Everyone should have an opinion and that opinion is to be respected.
Kanae stood up, looking Shinobu in the eye and giving her a bright and friendly smile. "Okay sis, I'll go get ready. Tell mother I'll be as quick as I can."
Shinobu smiled back at her, she nodded firmly and stepped out of the room to let Kanae get ready. Shinobu was truly jealous of her elder sister, not because of looks but because Kanae had a heart of gold, pure gold. Shinobu didn't get how she could forgive so easily and not get angry at things that would normally make someone rage. But hey, lots of people envy Kanae, everyone says her life is perfect. She has the looks, she has perfect friends, a mother everyone loves, and a kind heart.
Ten minutes passed, after freshening up Kanae felt more prepared for what's to come. Today she was meant to play with the village kids in the morning but since her family has to meet up with the Wind kingdoms, she can't. Kanae stepped out of the room, her long black hair flowing behind her as her golden butterfly tiara glimmered in the sunlight that was beaming from the tinted windows.

After walking through the puzzling palace halls, (it was confusing for her still despite the fact she's been living there for her whole life) Kanae made it to the dining room where her mother the queen, Shinobu and her mothers closet servant and friend, Mayuu.

"All ready, dear?" Kanaes mother called out, smiling warmly at her.
"Yes mother." Kanae replied making her way over to the three, Shinobu caught her eye as she gave her a reassuring wink. The usual wink Shinobu would do to say to her sister 'You got this!' or 'It's going to be fine!' Letting out a small but nervous chuckle, Mayuu opened the door to the Butterfly's Kingdom Royal Carriage, a white expensive, large carriage with golden patterns on it, purple blue and pink butterfly statues arched on the top. This carriage has been passed down from the first ever queen of the butterfly kingdom, sure it had to be mended every now and again but it was still in pretty good shape after being passed down in generations.

The queen entered first, taking her seat on the fine leather as Shinobu followed her then Kanae after her. After the three went in and took their seats Mayuu sat in the front ready to direct it.

"Buckle up, it's gonna be a long drive." Mayuu said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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