Alice's eyes widen in shock at Major Faye's accusation, her heart pounding with fear as she realize the gravity of the situation. She struggles to find the words to defend herself.

ALICE: (stammering) Major, I swear I didn't—

MAJOR FAYE: (cutting her off, voice sharp) Spare me the lies, Alice. We have proof of your true identity. Now tell me the truth.

A tense silence fills the room as Major Faye awaits Alice's response, her expression stern and unwavering.

ALICE: (resigned) Yes, Major. I'm a spy. I work in the army's special forces unit.

Major Faye's expression hardens at Alice's admission, a mixture of betrayal and anger flickering in her eyes.

MAJOR FAYE: (coldly) How could you betray us like this? We trusted you.

ALICE: (regretfully) I had my orders. I didn't have a choice.

Despite her remorse, Alice knows that her actions have irreparably damaged the bonds of trust that once united them as comrades.

MAJOR FAYE: (with a steely resolve) You may have had your orders, but that doesn't excuse your betrayal. You've endangered the lives of everyone in this base.

MAJOR FAYE: You were the one who leaked the location of Base Camp 501, weren't you? You're the reason why it was attacked.

Alice's eyes blaze with indignation as she shakes her head vehemently, refusing to accept Major Faye's accusations.

ALICE: (defiantly) I didn't do it, Major. I swear on my life. I would never betray my comrades or endanger this base.

Major Faye's gaze remains unwavering, her doubts lingering despite Alice's protests.

MAJOR FAYE: (skeptically) Then how do you explain the enemy's precise knowledge of our base's location? They wouldn't have found us without insider information.

A tense silence descends upon the room as Major Faye and Alice lock eyes, each refusing to back down from their respective positions.

ALICE: (firmly) I don't know how they found us, Major. But I swear, it wasn't me.

MAJOR FAYE: (accusingly) You keep denying that it was your country that attacked Base

Camp 501. But I have proof, Alice. Proof that implicates you and your allegiance.

Alice's eyes widen in disbelief as Major Faye reaches into her pocket and pulls out a flag, unfurling it with a sharp flick of her wrist. The flag bears the emblem of Alice's country, a damning piece of evidence that hangs heavy in the air.

MAJOR FAYE: (coldly) This was found in the wreckage of Base Camp 501. Your country's flag. Care to explain how it got there?

Alice's breath catches in her throat as she stares at the flag, her denial faltering in the face of undeniable evidence. She struggles to find the words to defend herself, her world crumbling around her.

ALICE: (defeated) I... I don't know how that got there. I swear, Major, I had nothing to do with the attack.

MAJOR FAYE: (commanding to soldiers) Leave us.

The soldiers exchange uncertain glances, but they obey Major Faye's orders without hesitation. With a nod from their superior, they exit the room, leaving Major Faye and Alice alone in the tense silence.

MAJOR FAYE: (voice heavy with emotion) Alice... I never thought I would be standing here, betrayed by the person I love.

Alice's heart sinks at Major Faye's words, the weight of her actions bearing down on her with crushing force.

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