S1-E11: The Secret Serum

Start from the beginning

Night time comes around and Fred decides it's time to go search for any clues on the vampire. But the gang wasn't really feeling it 'cause of their problems. Fred opens the door to the van and sees his friends have stopped on the stairs. Fred: "Guy's mystery. Time's running out. Go, let's." Velma: "I'm not solving any mystery if he's going to be there." she looking at Daphne. Daphne: "You know, Fred, maybe we should split up." Fred: "It's too early. We can't split up until we get to a haunted amusement park or a terrify caver--" Shaggy: "Actually, dude, like, I think splitting up is a good idea." he said as he and Scooby join Fred. Shaggy clearly doesn't want to be near Velma while she's like this. Velma: "Yeah. You've already made that perfectly clear." Fred: "Okay, then. We'll be splitting up. You coming with, Nakala?" Nakala: "I rather stay with the two that don't get on my nerves as much. And are clearly not the problem we're having right now." he says as he walks back inside with Fred looking confused before starting the engine and driving off. Velma: "So, where shall we start?" Daphne: "I'm thinking pedicures." In the van, Shaggy adjusts his seat belt and starts a conversation. Shaggy: "Like, is it me or does this feel weird?" Fred: "Yeah, it's strange mysterying without the girls." "No, I mean sitting shotgun. Ha ha! Like, I never get to ride up here. It's awesome!" Scooby: "[giggles] Stereo." he says as he turns on the radio and plays pop music. He switches stations and rock music starts playing, to which they both enjoyed more. Both: "Yeah!" Fred: "If you were a vampire, where would you hide out?" Shaggy: "The Clam Cabin?" Scooby: "The Pizza Pail?" Fred: "Right! Let's try the cemetery." Both: "[groans]"

At Daphne's house, Velma and Daphne are getting pedicures done by another pool while Nakala is meditating on the opposite side. Daphne: "Velma, here's the only thing you'll ever need to know about boys: They are stupid. If you give a boy two choices - a smart and stupid one - he will always make the stupid one, every time. That's why you never give them a choice." Velma: "That's depressing." "Yeah, it is." "But at least Nakala isn't like that." "That's true. [dreamy tone] He's smart, and handsome, and strong, and--" "You have a crush on him." "What?! No I don't!" "Daphne, I can tell. You don't have to hide it from me." "[sigh] Okay, fine. Yes, I do. But so do you." "Huh?!" "[mocking] Velma, I can tell. You don't have to hide it from me. [laughing]" "-_- Very funny. [notices Nan leaving] Where's your mom going at this hour?" "Beats me. Mom! Where are you going?!" Nan: "[comes back around the corner] Me? Oh. Well, um, I'm just running out to the grocery store to get some, uh...pate. Yeah. Pate. Mm-hmm. See you later." she says before leaving again.

Nakala: "If that's not suspicious, I don't know what is." Velma: "How long were you out of your meditation?" "I may have been meditating, but I kept my ears open. So, yeah, I heard everything you both said." Daphne and Velma blush knowing that he was listening the entire time. Nakala stands up and stretches his legs before speaking again. Nakala: "Still, we should go see what she's up to." Daphne: "I agree. My mom is duck-intolerant. Pate gives her the squeakers real bad. Something's up. Come on." she says as she stands up with Velma. Velma: "What about our massages?" "Sorry, Velma. Duty before beauty." she says as the two start walking on just their heels. Nakala: "*I will never understand girls that do this. Surely there are better ways to do this.*" Meanwhile, Shaggy and Scooby are waiting in the van by the "Crystal Cove Blood Bank" for Fred. He went inside to ask if the staff had seen any signs of a vampire. The two were bored 'til they noticed Fred came back with red stains on him and got scared.

Fred: "The lady at the blood bank said they haven't seen a vampire tonight or any night. Actually, her exact words were "Out of my blood bank, freakwad!"" Scooby: "Is--Is that b-b-blood?" "What? Oh, no. I just snagged a red punch juice box and spilled some. They've got tons hanging all over the place." Shaggy: "So, that's a big, fat no on the cemetery, the zoo's bat exhibit, and the blood bank. What now?" "[rubs face] I'm running out of ideas." Scooby: "[snaps finger] I got it! Fruitmeyer's." Shaggy: "Scoob! That's genius!" Fred: "It's a little out of the box, but everyone loves Fruitmeyer's, even vampires." he says before driving them there.

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