B A S T A R D S - 0 6

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It was warmer and a thousand times more happier than Otto's greeting.

"It's been a long time, my friend," Qoren greeted him openly, while Otto stood a few steps away and watched his "ally" engage with the enemy. Aurora stood next to Aliandra and Qyl while her brothers stood to her right.

Aurora gave Aemond a surreptitious glance, but since Aegon had interrupted her, Aemond avoided eye contact. Her hand slid to her neck and her eyes met Aegon's, who only commented on her movement with a raised eyebrow. Her hand quickly detached itself from her neck and Aurora turned her gaze back to Daemon Targaryen, who happily accepted Qoren's embrace.

"What gives me the honor?"

"I was in Essos visiting an old friend and thought I should pay another one a visit on the way."

"And let me tell you, this friend is very pleased, but surprised. You could have announced your visit and I would have made better preparations."

Which basically meant there would have been another celebration. Qoren hated to miss an opportunity to celebrate. Daemon laughed and placed a hand on the man's shoulder before giving Otto a snide look.

"I wish I had announced myself so I would have known what company you were in."

It was obvious that Daemon thought the same of Otto as he did of him. The hostility was almost palpable and overwhelming.

He gave Otto a meaningful sideways glance, which Otto commented on with a snort.

"Prince Daemon, I am here on behalf of your brother, King Viserys, to-"

Daemon laughed snidely and Otto grimaced as if he had bitten into a sour lemon. Even if you were blind, you would immediately sense the animosity between the two men.

"Oh, my brother can still hand out orders? I hear he's confined to his bed 24/7 while you willingly take over the affairs of state for him." The bitter, hate-filled undertone in his voice could not be ignored.

Aurora felt her heart grow heavy as she thought of her father. Even though she had never had much of a relationship with him, he was still her father. And a good man. What he had to suffer was cruel. She felt pity for the man she barely knew but sometimes she wondered if he even remembered her.

"As is the duty of a man in my position."

Otto and his duties. As Hand, he had a duty to enforce the will of his king, but like everyone else, Aurora knew that didn't apply where Rhaenyra Targaryen was concerned. It was no secret that Otto would rather see his grandson Aegon on the throne than Rhaenyra. Or any woman.

The only one he wanted to see even less on the throne was Daemon. Aurora had heard rumors that it was Otto who had proposed Rhaenyra as heir, only to oust her father's brother. And with success. But she guessed that he regretted this strategy by now, as Viserys continued to hold on to the succession despite having several sons. Atypical, and yet it filled Aurora's heart with joy to know that her father had chosen his eldest child to succeed him, regardless of gender. She often struggled with not having the same rights because of her gender. Her father showed her that things could be different, even if unfortunately he couldn't change everything.

A man could father as many bastards as he wanted without having to fear anything. A woman, on the other hand, had to fear for her life.

"Ah yes, good old duty. As long as it includes the throne, you're happy to sacrifice, aren't you?"

Oh, that was going to be interesting. And dangerous. Otto's head turned bright red. She looked at Aemond and Aegon. While Aemond had adopted a hard expression, Aegon looked like he would love to fly off on Sunfrye.

𝗕𝗔𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗗𝗦 I AEMOND & AEGON TARGARYENUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum