Kinkajou makes a smoothie

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Turtle POV
"Kink! Come here thus minute!" Glory yelled. Kinkajou ran off; and I ran after her. Not that I'm a very fast runner. When I got to the kitchen, Glory was yelling at Kinkajou for not cleaning the table. Kinkajou quickly wrapped it up, and bounced back to our room holding my hand. I blushed a little. "Guuys!" Kinkajou yelled, "I'm making us a smoothie!" "You think that's a good idea?" Qibli said, smirking. "Kinkajou lunged at him. "OF COURSE THAT'S A GOOD IDEA YOU NINNY!" Kinkajou yelled. "Okay Okay..." Qibli said. "Yay! Off to the kitchen!" Kinkajou said. She returned when about fifteen minutes has passed, holding a greenish yellowish whitish liquid in her hand. "Winter will try my super duper Kinkajou milk smoothie!!!" She screamed. "Wha-no! I am not drinking that glop!" Winter said. "Drink it, or I will tell everyone your crush!" Kinkajou yelled. "Finee....." Winter said. He drank the smoothie, and began to choke. "What did you do to make this smoothie so disgusting!" He yelled. "Um, I put in curry sauce, mangoes, durian, milk, mushrooms, octopus, cheese, lemons, oranges, apples, strawberries, carrots, beetroot, slug powder, and worm powder." Kinkajou said innocently. "Is slug powder and worm powder made of slugs and worms?" Winter asked. "Yes. They are made from banana slugs and meal worms." Kinkajou replied in a matter-of-fact voice. I smothered a laugh. This was one thing I loved about her. She could be so hilarious! "Ew." Moon said. "At least they're edible species." "I knew that." Winter said. Judging from his voices, he probably didn't. "Let's play some party games!" Kinkajou said, breaking the tension. "Ok! Kiss, kill, or marry!" Qibli said. I grimaced. I didn't like party games much. Winter must been having the same thoughts. Qibli spoke up first. "Moon, Winter, Turtle." He said. "Kill Winter, kiss Moon, and maarryy Turtle!!!" Kinkajou yelled. I blushed. We were dating for a week, and Kinkajou was already having intentions on marrying me? "Kill Turtle, kissWinter, and marry Moon." Qibli said. Moon looked shocked. "Don't you ever think of kissing me you bear dung covered sand snorter!" Winter shouted. "Qibli, Kinkajou, Moon." I said. "Kill Qibli, kiss Kinkajou, and marry Moon. I'm enthusiastic about 'kill Qibli' part." Winter said in a matter-of-fact voice. Qibli faked a hurt look. "Aw.." He said, smirking. "Kill Qibli, kiss Moon, and marry Kinkajou." I said. Kinkajou blushed. She was so cute!

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