Chapter 18: ↳ rule change¹⁹

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It even managed to pull out a tiny smile from the stoic men of the bunch. Akaashi, Iwaizumi and Osamu had enough sense to act more mature than the others.

Ushijima just blinked, not really understanding what was going on.

Fury bubbled within Tsukishima, shooting daggers at Oikawa, his tongue got ready to jab back, dripping with venom. However the door opened sharply at that moment, cutting their conversation off as Sakusa strode in - finally joining them.

The black-haired man walked to the middle of the room, dark suit immaculate and face mask in place. He was fixing his leather gloves, periodically flexing his fingers. "Let's get this over since I have far more important places to be."

This earned himself a few eye-rolls from certain men.

They all fell silent, curiously waiting for this meeting to be clarified at long last. "We're going to lay down some ground rules. Under no circumstance are you to distract her during lesson."

Sakusa inclined his head towards Akaashi, nodding at the Math teacher. "It's been brought to my attention that she's been coming late to classes so if this happens again..."

"...There will be a penalty" he finished coldly. "I don't care what happens outside of lessons but during, distractions of any kind won't be tolerated."

Atsumu's brown eyes sparked at this, a challenge burning deep within them. "What kind of penalty are we talking about?"

"How does reduced salary for the next month sound, Miya?" droned Sakusa, placing his hands in his pockets. "Want to be the first to volunteer?"

All Atsumu did was grin foxily, baring his teeth but not saying a word.

"Don't you think this is too easy?" asked Kuroo, looking around the room. "I feel like we need a way to properly settle this."

Terushima 'hummed' under his breath, shifting his feet on the coffee table. Sakusa's eyebrow twitched, displeasure and disgust sliding over his face at the man's carefree action, hands itching to shove the blonde's feet off the table and chastise him about cleanliness.

"How about a point system" offered Tendou, tapping his chin. "Awarding points for different sexual acts and the places they happen at."

Osamu rose an eyebrow, mild interest slithering across his face. "An example would be?"

The rednette pondered momentarily. "Let's say you fuck her in your classroom. Typical and the risk is minimal compared to let's say, fucking in the hall or library. You get me?"

Confused looks were passed around, not quite getting it at first. "So more risk, more points" spoke up Iwaizumi deeply, starting to get the rough idea.

Tendou shrugged his shoulders. "Basically, if you're willing to do this that is". He walked over to the board that hung on the far wall, uncapping a marker and writing something down for all of them to see.

Making out - 2 points

Fingering - 3 points

Eating out - 4 points

Fucking - 5 points

Other - creative can be debated

"Also if you team up and work with someone else, the points will be halved between the two" announced Tendou cheekily. "Shouldn't be making it too easy."

"From here onwards, we're all starting from the beginning. Clean slates now that we've changed up the rules."

Kuroo and Bokuto groaned loudly, protesting together. "Man we'd already be way ahead of you guys by now."

"Didn't Wakatoshi nearly just fuck her?" said Atsumu casually, running his hand through his hair and ruffling the blonde locks. "Literally right before getting here?"

The mentioned man wasn't perturbed by the numerous stares and varying emotions that were thrown at him from all sides. "I'll be sure to finish what I started", tone serious and impassive, Terushima face palmed.

Sakusa 'tsked' under his breath, lips tightening underneath the mask. "Keep the rules in mind and don't get careless. I don't care what happens after that."

"Are we sure we should be doing this?" asked Akaashi quietly, being the voice of reason. "Is it fair on her? We're basically gambling her between ourselves."

Oikawa was the one to talk next after the others have fallen silent, scoffing carelessly whilst fixing the raven-haired Math teacher a pointed look. "If you don't want to do it then don't. But from what I hear she doesn't seem to be refusing it. She knows what's going on, at least some of it and if she wasn't fine with it then we would have stopped."

Akaashi still wasn't entirely convinced, his lips set into a straight line but he didn't say anything else. His fists tightly clenched in his lap, nails digging into his palms as he regarded the others slowly.

Sakusa cleared his throat, pulling out his wallet. Leather gloves crinkling, he tugged out a stack of bills, dropping it on the coffee table. "I'm raising the stakes."

Terushima and Atsumu both whistled at the same time as the others just carefully observed. "What are you raising it for?" grinned the English teacher, taking his feet off the table and counting the money over.

Meeting Ushijima's intense eyes, Sakusa squared his shoulders, voice dropping into a command. "I will be the one to fuck her first."

Looks of surprise were passed around the gathered group, the strong declaration hanging in the air, looming above their heads as if saying; try and go against me.

"And if you're not the first?" smirked Kuroo slyly, jerking his chin in a blatant challenge. Sakusa narrowed his gaze into a glare, turning around to make his way out of the room. "I dare you to go against me, let's see how that works out for you."

Kuroo's eyes sharpened but he didn't voice out the words that were burning his tongue. "Yo, when does the big man come back?" asked Terushima, throwing the stack of bills back onto the table.

Tsukishima bristled momentarily, focusing back on the article he was reading on his phone and ignoring the others. "Monday" was Sakusa's curt reply, not so much as stopping to address the question properly.

Bokuto jumped to his feet, a sudden thought striking him. "Her friend, Nishinoya. I'm pretty sure he knows what's going on". Kuroo nodded along to the exclamation, "I'm certain he does."

This time, the words were enough to make the man stop mid-step, Sakusa moved his head to the side to look over his shoulder, already finished pondering it over and a plan ready to set into motion within those few seconds.

He wasn't the Vice Principal for no reason.

"Terushima, take care of it."

A wide smile spread across the pair of tantalizing lips, tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth at the order he's just been given. Terushima raised his hand in a mock salute, winking at Sakusa's turned back;

"Yes, sir." 

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