Chapter 4: ↳ puzzlement⁴

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AFTER THEIR P.E lesson, they had math.

One of (Y/N's) most favourite lessons, not because she enjoyed the subject. Goodness no, she disliked math for how difficult it was however the only reason why she didn't absolutely detest it was because of the man teaching it.

Akaashi Keiji was one of the nicest teachers she's ever had the pleasure of getting taught by, for he had a way of making the subject seem fun and easy. Thanks to him, she always looked forward to his classes, doing her best to pay utmost attention.

It was also popularly known that he was considered the most attractive teacher in the school, which was quite the accomplishment since they had their fair share of handsome teachers. Girls and boys alike swooned left and right, having nothing but pure admiration for the kind man.

(Y/N)'s thoughts were wildly swirling with numerous things, but most importantly about the P.E lesson they just had. The girl kept a close eye on Oikawa sensei but he acted as if nothing ever happened, teaching the class their newest sport for the semester which so happened to be volleyball.

Rumour has it that the brown-haired man used to be a star player in his youth and it was evident with how amazing and passionate he was when showing the entire class his skills. But apparently he wasn't the only teacher who played the sport years back.

She did manage to catch his eye a few times but he didn't let it linger any longer after that small interaction they had. Feeling extremely confused, she made sure to keep her distance however it was something Oikawa was quick to notice as he had a knowing smile plastered over his mouth for the rest of the lesson.

"Good morning class" spoke up a kind voice as Akaashi sensei entered the classroom, softly dropping his book bag on his table, greeting them all with a small smile. "I hope last week's work is still in your head because today it will start to get a bit more complicated."

Quiet moans and sighs rumbled throughout the class as their math teacher chuckled lightly. "I know, I feel exactly the same but don't worry, you're all very bright and you'll be able to grasp it quickly."

It was as if the entire class collectively swooned, girls giggling and blushing at the praise, boys looked dazed. Nishinoya had a dreamy look on his face, resting his chin on his hand, practically shooting heart eyes at Akaashi sensei who busied himself with preparing for the lesson. "Now that's what I call husband material" he sighed, deflating in his seat. "Nobody can get more perfect than that."

Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) cleared her throat. "You say that about every single person you find attractive which so happens to be everyone with a dick between their legs."

Nishinoya grew scandalized, mouth gaping open and closed. "That's so not true! Well.....maybe a little but besides the point, what's up with you?" Raising a brow, she opened her textbook, organizing her things. "What do you mean? I'm completely fine."

"No you're not. Ever since P.E you've been acting a little weird" he made sure to point out, narrowing his eyes as he did so. "Did something happen?"

She bit down on her lip, chewing the soft flesh in thought. There was nothing to say, maybe it was just her imagining or overthinking things. She'll have to wait until their next lesson to find out if there by any chance was more to it. "Nothing happened, just a little tired" was her reply, a little curt as the suspicion on Nishinoya's face grew but he didn't say anything else, shooting her one last look before the class properly began.

They listened attentively and worked in silence for the most part, even her energetic counterpart put effort in paying attention, diligently writing down notes as he mumbled to himself. (Y/N) looked up at the board, copying down the working's out, eyes straying to the side to find a pair of turquoise ones gazing at her intently.

With a startle it took her a second to realize it was Akaashi sensei who so gracefully sat on the side of his desk, overlooking the working class. His stare was puzzling to say the least, almost as if he was trying to figure something difficult out.

Calculative and intense, she couldn't help but think it was intimidating which came as a surprise to her since usually he's seen to be kind and composed. The beautiful colour was swirling with unreadable emotions, there was a furrow between his eyebrows - looking as if he was attempting to solve a complicated puzzle.

But he didn't think on it any longer, getting up to his feet and continuing to teach the class. What's going on today? (Y/N) couldn't help but feel like today was a very weird day, not forgetting about yesterday's detention which never failed to make her flush from embarrassment, thinking about how both of her teachers so far have been, in her opinion acting very oddly. Not the usual she was used to.

Pondering over it, her pen tapped against her notebook. The girl studied Akaashi sensei's turned back, wondering what could possibly be going on. Maybe the lack of sleep the previous few days have started to finally get to her. Well she hoped that was the case. This was only her second lesson of the day, Biology, English and then History last before the day ended.

There was a weird feeling bubbling in the pit of her stomach, unable to quite place a finger on to what it was exactly. So the next time Akasshi sensei's light eyes found hers, she didn't shy away - instead she rose her head a little higher, fighting the urge to cock her head in question.

His gaze steeled over for a fraction of a second before they broke contact with hers, moving onto the next student. They were back to being kind, radiating intelligence and knowledge.

So why were his eyes so harsh whenever they'd meet hers?

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