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I look at mason, Ethan disappeared.

He left without a trace no blood.. no screams for help... nothing.

"So.. you owe me" Mason looks at me , he has a gun in his hand, "Really? i owe you what?" I smile "Maybe a kiss, or a make out session or a day without you not walking." He bits his lip.

"Mason come on theres a serial killer coming for us." I chuckle and kiss him, "Your killing me if you dont kiss me" He says and pulls away.

"Really? Is that so?" I smile, our lips are less than a centimeter away. He nods "Just let me" He pins  me against the wall..

he kisses me, i whimper a bit as the gun drops to the floor so he can grab on to  my waist he slowly pulls away and leans down to my neck. " You guys think your so cute" A spine chilling voice comes from the corner.

Mason looks up and grabs the gun "Get away from her.." Mason says lowly, he backs up till another ghost faces appears.


I look at mason, "Oh y/n look at you" the other one grabs me by the waist, Mason grabs my arm and pulls me back.

He shoots the other ghost face in the leg, "Run run!!" He yells as we run back to sam and tara. Deputy Bailey.. He stands in the ghost face costume.

I look at mason, i felt so light headed, like something was.. I look up at mason "y/n?" He mutters


Y/n was shaking and drifting like she was on a boat, "Y/n?" I look at her leg,  nothing, no stabs nothing.

She leans against "Y/n baby" I mumble under my breath. Another ghostface appears, he takes off his mask "Hi y/n.."


My jaw drops a bit.. The shy ass bitch who kissed my girlfriend.

"Y/n" He says, y/n grabs my hand and takes a deep breath. She looks a bit more stable "your so pretty" he lifts her chin up with his knife.

"Your such a beautiful little thing.. with a shit boyfriend" He cackles "Dont say that" her stern voice makes him scoff "You think your so special" He mumbles.

Quinn comes behind me "Hi mason.. Ethan told me your loud.. really. really loud." She smiles "I wanna hear you scream my name" She says and plays with my hair.

"Dont touch me bitch" I yank her hair and run with sam, tara and y/n.

I go with Y/n up a lader. "Y/n the exit" I point. We run towards it, Quinn stabs my leg "WHAT THE FUCK" Y/n yells she was ahead, i groan in pain "What a pretty sound" She smiles, i get up, Quinn stab was like a paper cut, but it burned.

I get up and push quinn, I watch y/n grab the gun from my hand "Get down BITCH" She demands.

I know we are about to be killed but...

holy fuck y/n is so hot.

Quinn puts her hands up "Please no" She screams "It was all them i promise" She yells "I WAS JOKING I WAS JOKING" Quinn sobs "Fine bitch" y/n puts the gun down.

Quinn cackles, "One thing" Y/n turns around and shots her in the head. "Dont call my boyfriend hot." y/n smiles. I blush so hard, as y/n walks up to me to kiss me.

"I love you, and if we die. I want you to know, i would of married you" I mumble "I would of said yes." She smiles,

Y/n steps back but trips on the railing.


I feel myself fall and mason grabs my arm, "Y/n please no" He says his hand is covered in quinns blood and a mix of his. "Mason please" I scream.

I feel myself slip, "Mason" I scream louder "Y/n." Ethans spine chilling voice calls my name. I scream loud, my heart pounds against my chest.

"Y/n baby im right here" Ethan says "I love you" I scream to mason "I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH MASON" I scream "Dont you dare say that." Mason says trying to pull my up.

"let go." I mumble "no." mason says sternly,his tear falls on my cheek, "If you love me. let go." I mutter, Mason sighs "I love you so much" he lets go and puts his hands over his face,


I fall to on top of ethan and grab his knife, "y/n look at you.." he stares at my bra, "Ive always wanted to touch you.." He smiles

"Fuck you .. you ugly ass pervert" I stab him the eyes, he screams bloody murder.

"I HATE YOU" I stab him again "Fuck you fuck you fuck you" I get up and aim the knife on his face and stab him.

I grab his knife and tara smiles "go with mason and get out " she mouths and motions to the lader.

I start to climb "No you don't" I hear Sergeant Bailey, i feel a flaming hot bullet go through my stomach, i gasp.

"DONT YOU DARE KILL MY KIDS" he shoots again but its out of bullets, "Y/N COME ON" Mason says i see his arm and i grab it i sit on his lap.

"Y/n what happened" He says looking at the hole in my stomach "i.. Mason i cant make it out of here. Im done" I mutter "Im sorry but fuck you" Mason yells "IM TAKING YOU WITH ME IF IT KILLS ME" He yells and gets up, "Mason" I smile,

"No y/n. I NEED TO HAVE YOU, You and the baby.." He mumbles "Mason is cant." I mumble "Im sorry" I start to cry "Y/n dont do this to me lets go." Mason says He carrys to me to the exit.

I bite my lip as we see the building on fire and the paramedics outside.I cant remember what happened next but.. I reamber the

the scream of Ethan Landry.



Romance 𐙚 Mason Thamesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें