xi. i was enchanted to meet you

Start from the beginning

then he says, "why did you write that song about me?" 

immediately, i can tell that he isn't happy. the hurt in his voice breaks my heart. 

"i don't know, i was sad," i say, feeling small. 

feeling like that can't possibly be an excuse. 

"it hurt me, y'know," he says, his voice dull. 

he fiddles with his rose. 

"you hurt me too, y'know," i mimic his tone. 

he turns toward me, " i really liked you, y/n. i really did. i thought, oh i don't know, maybe we had something. but all you've done is play with my feelings. i feel like i've been used by someone i've barely met. you don't get to release a song, about me and then act like you're the victim."

wait, what the fuck. 

"i was the victim, walker. you're the one who said that stuff, not me," anger creeps into my voice. 

"you overreacted and you know it," his voice rises, "i came here to apologize after you spent the whole week either acting like i killed your dog or like we never met at all. i'm tired of your games and i'm tired of waiting for you to make up your mind." 

i blink. it's starting to sink in. i'm so stupid. he's right, i have been playing with his feelings. using him.

"walker, i never meant to-" 

"take your stupid rose," he interrupts, throwing the rose at me.


"take it. i know you set it up, so they'd be the same," he snarls. 

i'm so confused. i pull my rose out of my pocket and he's right. same red petals, same maroon ribbon. what a sick coincidence. 

"i didn't do that?"

"i don't care anymore," he stands up. 

"walker, wait!" i call after him as he starts to walk away. 

he turns around. anger furrows his brows. i've never seen him like this before. he looks like he could kill someone. it's scaring me. i back up a few steps. he seems to realize and his gaze softens for a second, but returns just as quick. i might've imagined it, but i know better. 

"y/n, it is in both of our best interest, if you just stay away from me," he says, eyes cold. 

my heart freezes over and drops into my stomach. this is not what i was expecting at all. 

"i never want to see you again." 

"o-ok," i say. 

the adrenaline has died out. i'm left with nothing but the cold hard truth. he turns around and storms off. i stumble over to the bench and my knees buckle. the cool stone catches me, digging into the backs of my thighs. i can't hold it in anymore. i let it out. all the anger and frustration. the betrayal and regret. but mostly, the sadness. the walls i spent painstaking years building up, come crashing down. tears fall down my cheeks, dripping onto my hands and my dress, probably ruining it. it's just one more thing on the ever growing list of things i've ruined. i sob. my head in my hands. my makeup smears on my palms. messy like me. i'm such a mess. i want to drown in my tears. i want to hold my eyes closed until they never open again. i dig my fingernails into my palms. i can't take it anymore. i didn't ask for this, but it's still my fault. footsteps approach behind me. i know exactly who it is. 

"y/n? what's wrong?" xochitl says, coming up beside me. 

she sees the state i'm in and pulls me into her arms. 

"oh no, what happened!" she says. 

"i messed it up again, just like i always do," i cry. 

"honey, i'm sure we can fix this," she coos, petting my hair. 

i feel empty.

"he said he never wants to see me again."

"he doesn't even know what he wants," she scoffs. 

she pulls me up into her arms, so she can give me a real hug. i melt into her. i'm so tired. i let the exhaustion grab hold of me as my eyes roll back and i pass out.

hello darkness.

hello hazel.


bet you didn't see that one coming (i didn't either)

-1.7k words

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