Your thoughts on Him

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(A/E) : Animal of choice ears 

 (A/T) : Animal of choice tails 


 Ugh, You didn't image Crow to be so rude, he keep calling you names and even made you pay for his lunch! His only reason was that he doesn't have any since he already ate his food and you don't want him to end in jail or so, you just paid.After that he insisted that you go and watch the band practice even when your lunch break was already over, now you're calling your brother, to apologize to him about making him work extra you know that he doesn't mind but you still felt guilty.Right now you're watching the Shingan CrimsonZ practice and chat with the members of Plasmagica.But every time you chat with them Crow would scowl you for not looking or paying attention, calling you not a true cattle, wow.After practice Crow was arguing with the other members in his band so you took the chance and escape with Plasmagica, they where much more fun to hang out with. 


 You where cooking curry udon right now, you don't even try your best at making it the best curry since it's only for Aion.Why only Aion and why not do your best at cooking? Well 1. You don't like curry udon it's messy 2. He'll put a lot of scallions in it or other stinky toppings 3. He forced you to cook.Since he just entered your apartment he just comes and goes wherever he pleases and refuses to cook or clean the apartment since he's a god and you should respect his wishes well Aion does at least pay rent.You put the finished dish down on the table with scallions and some stinky toppings he might use "Aion-sama...your udon is finished." He just calmly walk at the table and sat down, then put lots of scallions in it. "I appreciate your offering" You sighed and nodded, "I'm in my room if you need me" 'please don't' you thought while walking into your room. 


 You where happily chatting with Rom, while Yaiba just stares at both of you, you know the Shingan CrimsonZ for awhile now but Yaiba still acts kinda cold towards you.Your first thought was that he might just simply hate you so you try to avoid them as much as possible, but you keep meeting them in random places and Yaiba just has this small blush on his face but instead of embarrassment you thought it's because he's angry.So you tried to make short conversations not noticing his frown grew bigger the whole time you talk to the others and of course when you leave.You where just that clueless! Well at this moment Rom asked you for another dinner with them and not wanting to disappoint anyone you said yes."Oi! Idiot you got something on you face" Crow wiped the sauce off your face, making you blush, you then heard Yaiba angrily getting up and walk away.Rom then punched Crow. What happened!? 


 Rom was kinda aggressive but well most of the time he was sweet, very sweet, he has a lot of mood swings sometimes.You where at the Ramen shop again but this time with a male friend you two where happily chatting and eating your Ramen, until you heard a sudden roar.You sighed knowing who exactly that roar belongs to but since your friend didn't know about Rom he cling on to you "(Y/N)!? What was that??" You looked at him with a gentle smile "Dude, don't worry it's just a friend of mine"You then looked at Rom, you could swear there was steam coming out of his ear "Hello (Y/N), who's this?" you giggled "Rom this is a friend of mine his name is Hinata." "H-Hey.." Hinata quietly said.Rom just stared at him and sat down ordering Ramen and putting seasoning oil in it, your friend gaged a bit but said nothing.He was just so protective, you can practically see him everywhere which is creepy too.  

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