Johnny, please take care of yourself

Start from the beginning

John didn't say anything, just continued pouting angrily.

Cecil got the thermometer out of the medicine cabinet, bringing it over to JD. John begrudgingly let them put the thermometer in his mouth.

After a few moments, the thermometer beeped, the temperature reading 102.8.

"I know you, you know what a normal temperature is. This ain't it baby. You're sick, accept it. Lay down while I make you something to eat." Cecil said, showing John the screen on the thermometer.

"Fine." John grumbled, flopping backwards onto the bed.

Cecil gave him a pointed look before walking over to the kitchenette to make the sick troll something to eat.

Cecil thought for a moment that they had won this little battle but the war was far from over.

John Dory does not appreciate being told what to do, no matter his state of mind.

So John tries to help them cook, gathering ingredients and pots and pans. It would have been kind of sweet if he hadn't been told to go lay down and wasn't getting in the way.

"John, honey, please go lay down. I don't need your help. I want you to rest." Cecil said, gently shoving John back over to the bed.

JD still wasn't listening to them but they managed to make him some soup and a grilled cheese.

While John Dory ate, Cecil called Floyd. They had felt his forehead again and he felt warmer than he did the last time. His temperature was getting too high and Cecil didn't know how else to help, especially when he wouldn't listen to them.

"Hello?" Floyd answered the phone.

"Hey Floyd. I need your help. Johnny's sick and he's not listening to me. His temperature is getting way too high and I'm getting worried. I don't want to take him to the hospital. Can you come over and see if you have better luck?" Cecil said a bit desperately into the phone.

"Oh shit. Yeah hold on, I'll be right over. Keep him busy till I get there." Floyd answered before hanging up

Cecil breathed a sigh of relief, Floyd should know how to help. John was his brother after all and JD should listen to him.

Floyd quickly arrived, barging into the armadillo bus.

"What's his temperature up to?" Floyd asked, walking over to where Cecil had basically trapped John on the bed.

"I took it like five minutes ago. It's up to 103.5. That's higher than it was when I got here. He just will not listen to me." Cecil huffed, crossing their arms over their chest.

"Well first things first, you should know that John Dory is stubborn as fuck. Second of all, he does not like being told what to do. Hey John, how you feeling?" Floyd said, softly waving his hand in front of John's face to get his attention.

John seemed completely out of it, barely even glancing at Floyd.

"How are you feeling, John Dory?" Floyd asked again, getting more worried the longer it took John to answer.

"I'm fffine." John mumbled out, it seemed like he was almost struggling to speak.

"You are not. You have a fever John. Why don't we get some medicine into you then you can get some rest while Cecil takes care of you?" Floyd spoke gently, almost like he was trying to lull JD to sleep.

"Don't need it." John mumbled, he rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"You do if you want to get better, Johnny." Cecil spoke up, sitting next to John on the bed.

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