chapter 1

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Chapter 1: the incident

While walking home, Zach was watching a livestream of one of the developers of his favorite game, Swords of Heroes. But as he walked, he didn't notice a man holding a knife running towards him, and without remorse, the man stabbed Zach in the chest, instantly killing him. For Zach, he didn't even feel anything; everything just went black.


Zach slowly opened his eyes and was confused. Didn't he just die? So how is he opening his eyes? As he scanned his surroundings, he saw that he was in an unknown room. He approached the light switch, and upon turning the lights on, he suddenly recognized the room. It was one of the dorms of the academy from Swords of Heroes, and more specifically, his favorite character's dorm.

He looked around and saw a mirror. He ran up to the mirror and saw that he was his favorite character, Zach.

Zach: Wow, I've been teleported into my favorite game as my favorite character.

He said with a smile and a joyful tone. As he inspected his body, he heard a knock. Turning, he approached the door and opened it. As he opened the door, he saw a beautiful girl.

???: You're finally awake, you disgrace.

The girl said with an angry tone.

???: I can't believe I have a big brother like you. Hurry up, you're going to be late. You're lucky that mother still cares about you.

She left and went to her classroom. Zach sighed.

Zach: Stacy, the sister of Zach and the one that always looks down on him.

Zach was walking the halls of the academy when he bumped into someone. He turned to apologize but was met with a slap.

???: You bastard! Are you blind or something, you useless bastard!

He looked at the person carefully and instantly recognized her as Zach's fiancée.

???: Next time, look where you're going, you bastard!

She turned and stormed off towards her classroom. He ignored her and went to his classroom. Upon arriving, he was met with glares and looks of disgust. He sat down in his chair and waited for the teacher. As he waited, he felt a tap on his shoulder and, turning to his right, he saw Zach's friend, Rein, looking at him with concern.

Rein: Are you alright? I heard what happened.

Zach looked confused, so he decided to ask.

Zach: What?

Rein: I know your girlfriend cheated on you. I mean, everyone already knew.

Suddenly, Zach felt like his head was getting hit with a hammer, and the events of yesterday flooded his mind. His girlfriend of two years had cheated on him with his bully.

Upon seeing his friend in pain, Rein took something out of his backpack and gave it to him, but Zach refused and said he was fine.

Rein: Are you sure?

Zach looked at him with a smile of confirmation.

Zach: Yeah, I just remember everything that happened yesterday. But I don't really care about her. Cheaters are nothing but trash in this world.

Rein took Zach's hand and started to caress it.

Rein: Zach, you're like a brother to me, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Remember when we were kids? You rescued me from a monster attack. If it weren't for you, I would have been killed.

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