Grand Finale

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Three months had passed since Ino had left Sasuke in Japan for a new life in Fiji. Since then, Yuko Ichihara had dropped by the apartment like clockwork, 'collecting' the rent as she always did with Sasuke. Even Sasuke had to admit that Yuko was better than Ino when it came to sex, but he never managed to let go of his hatred towards Sakura. Her words were still in his head on that fateful night.

"After all, she can always suck your dick for you to pay for your rent."

Sasuke saw the bitter irony of Sakura's words as he lay on the bed. At first, he was against the idea. Now, he was willing as Yuko left him alone in his room. In the nine months since his expulsion, his anger towards Sakura, his former family and friends, and the University of Tokyo has reached a boiling point. Yuko using his body had dimmed it somewhat, but soon, it would return in full force. It was as if he had embraced his rage and hate, giving him focus.

Which was useful given his new pastime: martial arts. While working at the bookstore one day, Sasuke had run into an old classmate of his from high school. The boy, who was expelled from high school over fighting, ran a martial arts studio, home to over forty karatekas and kendokas, with the latter having a serious grudge against Mitsumo Kobayashi and the Matsushiro Samurai Shcool and several of the karateka members held a grudge against the Mamiya School of The Creative Indiscriminate Martial Arts, particularly against one Ranma Mamiya.

After a shower, Sasuke dressed incognito since the police were still looking for him and his picture was hanging outside the police stations all over Japan, left the apartment and was on his way to the studio. The dojo's majority was male, with several female members, girls who were kicked out of their original martial arts schools for being violent, which was perfect for the studio owner.

Akira Tanaka was a former bosozoku member who was ejected from the biker gang he had co-founded with a friend of his. With the money he had left, he took an abandoned gym and transformed it into the Kabukicho Martial Arts Studio, with himself at the head. The school was in truth, a cover for its real purpose: the fact that every single member was part of a violent street gang, and he was the leader who controlled the area surrounding the studio. Sasuke saw them as only a means to an end, an instrument in his quest for revenge against the Azura Inn, the Haruno family, and the University of Tokyo.

Sasuke entered the studio and after exchanging several greetings with the regulars, Sasuke walked into the men's dressing room and after several minutes, emerged in a black karate dogi, with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. His hair was in a bandana, keeping it out of his eyes, the disgraced ronin was ready for his sparring session with Akria. For the past three months, Sasuke had trained to the point of obsession, mastering Karate, as well as several techniques designed to break and maim.

Akira knew Sasuke's story as to why he was training. He was training for revenge against everyone who had deserted him. The owner sympathized with him and rallied everyone to Sasuke's cause.

Sasuke's first target was Yuko.

The landlord was easy enough, given that it was time for rent once again. Upon entering Sasuke's apartment, Yuko was jumped by a squad of karatekas who were hidden inside the apartment. Yuko ended up with a broken jaw, as well as several broken bones. With Yuko out of the way, Sasuke turned his vengeance on his family. Sasuke had ordered his former family home to be burned to the ground. Thankfully, no one was inside, since his former family was away at Itachi's school attending a play.

Koki happened by accident. He was ambushed while he was on his way home from the boat races. Upon arriving at the train station that would take him to Kikuicho, he was ambushed. Fortunately, Mitsumo had arrived following a training trip with his brother, and together, the two Kobayashi brothers came to Koki's aid before serious damage could be done.

Naruto: Sakura's Revenge Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora