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"Here's your cake." My mom places it on the counter in front of me.  She hands me the lighter and I began lighting all 16 candles.

Mom claps her hands together, startling me a bit, before singing me the happy birthday song. 

I wave my hands, signaling for her to stop. "Mother you know how much I Iove you, you're singing... not so much" This makes her smile.

"Make a wish." 

"I'll just pray instead." 

Clasping my hands together I close my eyes and bow my head. Thank you God for allowing me to wake up, this morning knowing many other's didn't, thank you for allowing me to be alive for 16 whole years, thank you for allowing my mother to be by my side all these years, continue to watch over her health and our lives. 

"In the name of Jesus I pray amen." 

Opening my eyes, I'm met with a bright flash. I shield my eyes. "Seriously mom, could've given me a warning." 

"Candid photos, are the best type of pictures. Now blow out your candles."

I blow out my candles and cut the cake as my mom takes more photos. I put a slice for her on the plate then close the box back up, putting the cake in the refrigerator.

"You're not gonna eat some of the cake." "It's too late to be consuming all that sugar."

"Says the girl who ate a whole bag of cotton candy at 11 pm yesterday night." 


"I needed the extra fuel to finish my essay." I counter 

"If that's what you say." She says taking a bite out of the cake.

"Shouldn't you change out of your uniform."

"Yes, yes I should." 

With that she leaves the kitchen. Once she's out of sight I take a piece of her cake.

"What'd you do today." She calls from her bedroom. 

"Sleep, clean, and watched TV."

"That's it, you didn't even go to the park or something."

"I walked around a bit. Bought a few magazines."

"Juju you have to go out more. Hang out with your friends or something." She says coming out of her room.

"Nahh, I think I'll just stick to my chips and gossip girl." I say putting popcorn in the microwave microwave "I just think..." *ring ring* The home phone starts ringing as she starts talking. 

"Gotta get this." I grab the phone quickly before speed walking to my room. I flop down on my bed before answering it."Hello." 


"Happy Birthday." A male voice says on the other side of the line. Taken aback I look at the caller ID not recognizing it. 

"Who is this."


"Your father."

"Excuse me."

"Who is it." My mom calls out from the kitchen. 

I quickly hang up the phone, "Wrong number." I tell her walking back out of the room. I take a seat on the couch.

She takes a seat next to me putting the popcorn on the small table right in front of us before covering me in a blanket.

"What do you wanna watch." 

"...Rapunzel." I tell her after a moment. "You mean Tangled." 

"Same difference."

An hour later 

During the scene where Flynn is about to cut Rapunzel's hair off the phone starts ringing again. My mom answers it this time.

"Hello...yes this is she...WHAT!" 

Startled I look over at her. "What happened..who is it?!" I whisper shout to her. She quickly gets off the couch and starts searching for something. "What do you need?" I ask still unsure of what's going on. "Get me a paper and pen." I quickly run to my room searching for those items before running back to her.

Not really focusing on her conversation with the person on the line. I pay attention to what she's writing. 

She quickly jots down what looks like a phone number, address, and New York City?

"Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity." My mom says before hanging up.

"What's going on?"

With tears in her eyes she looks up at me. "YOU'RE GOING TO NEW YORK CITY!"    

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