Wake Up (A Frostee Benson Story) 1. Complicated Feelings

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(This  is heavily inspired by Xena_006's version of Spy Racers so her rules will apply to this story as well! Plus, in this story Frostee is 15 years old and the rest of the crew are all 19 years old.)

Frostee's POV

JULY 7th, 2021 (In the Spy Racers/Toretto Garage)

After one incredibly eventful, tiring mission, the Spy Racers arrived at the garage after parking their cars. They arrived inside with heavy bruises and injuries except for Frostee himself. He was fine with only a few cuts on him but the rest of the team looked horrible. Frostee felt really bad for all of them but he didn't know what to say. Nowhere, Palindrome, Julius and Gary all left the building to inform the higher officials of the mission report and status update. He sat down on the couch next to Cisco and opened his laptop to check on anything he missed. Or really anything to keep his mind off of the injuries his friends endured towards finishing their mission.

He turned off his laptop after he gave up searching for any missing information or any kind of trial and jury announcements considering their recent arrest for the criminal that the team captured. Man he was such a difficult enemy to catch. A man that had control of chemical weapons and explosive data that would have ruined the world into the chaos of dark technology. It frustrated and drained everyone, especially Tony. Frostee couldn't unsee the image he saw when Tony looked at Layla. Who was critically injured when they had just finished the mission. 

The amount of anger had Tony let it out for the mission would have been brutal. Thank god that Layla was able to stop him from going too far. It honestly scared the hell out of Frostee. That mission alone for him was his hardest yet. Which involves the complex technological weapons and the software that those criminals had used. It exhausted him so much to the point where his head and fingers were hurting just from the typing and hacking. Frostee looked at his hands, which were slightly red and bruised from all the action and hacking. It was awful.

He looked down in shame and then looked at his best buddy Cisco. Who slumped even farther on the couch that they were sitting on. He looked so done with life and his eyes were dark. He kicked his feet on the table, crossed his arms and closed his eyes. His injuries didn't make it any better as he kept wincing in pain every time he moved his body. It sucked to see Cisco in pain like this and it seriously worried Frostee that if Cisco doesn't get better physically soon, he might not get better mentally in his head. Frostee tried to speak to him to try and cheer him up. Heck he even threatened Cisco that if he doesn't cheer up he'll eat his stash of food. Surprisingly, Cisco didn't seem to care at all about that which shocked Frostee a little.

"Come on Cisco! If you don't put on your smiling face soon, I swear I'll eat your cookies!" threatened Frostee as he smirked at him. Cisco gave him a glare as he sat up, ignoring the pain in his abdomen. He put his right hand on his face and sighed.
"Frostee, does it look like I give a shit about that right now?" Cisco said darkly, glaring at him. Frostee flinched and backed away slightly as he stood up. Man sometimes Frostee forgot how scary Cisco can be when he's genuinely annoyed and tired and he's not even angry! Hell it even matched with Tony's levels of being pissed off. "I...right..sorry man." Frostee said nervously as he walked away from Cisco for a bit. Leaving Cisco alone on the couch.

"Also don't touch my cookies, bro!" Cisco exclaimed. "They're precious to me so leave them alone!" Frostee laughed at him as he tried to ignore the glare that Cisco gave him but that stuck in his messy cloud of thoughts in his head.

He went farther down the first floor to try and find the girls. Frostee just really wanted to check up on them before he got ready to leave the garage. It's more than likely that he'll probably walk home tonight. He really didn't want to bother Cisco to drop him off home when he's in a pretty bad state in his head. As soon as he heard Layla and Echo's voices he went straight into the kitchen and he saw them talking to each other. A part of Frostee held back as he stopped at the entrance and looked down on the floor. A sense of nervousness washed over him, he isn't exactly sure why he was feeling this way but it wasn't pleasant. A bunch of thoughts are racing through his mind but only one person keeps constantly reappearing in his head. A pretty girl whom he shared a very close and personal bond with. His heart started to beat a little faster again as soon as he thought of the girl. His memories between him and her together as children are overwhelming his mind. He closed his eyes and started to breathe deeply to ease his thoughts until Echo's voice snapped him out of his head. 

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