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┏┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┓Chapter Three┗┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┛

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Chapter Three

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"You have woken up. About time."

Y/n slowly peeled his eyes open reluctantly, wincing as he felt his head throb with immense pain. Sheens of sweat dropped down his forehead, as he looked around in a daze, trying to locate where the voice came from.

Where...am I?

Wasn't I in the woods?

A towel was placed on his forehead, and a comforting presence hovered near him. He finally managed to make his vision clear, seeing the familiar face from the day before. However, suspicions immediately arose in him.

The man in front of him. What was his name, again?


"...Dion? Where is this? Where have you brought me?" Y/n swallowed as he looked at the piercing gaze of his new acquaintance, trying to make sense of the situation. He had been trying to save Dion, but it appeared that his mana got depleted along the way. And apparently, mana depletion could cause fainting spells, headaches, and illness. But this wasn't the woods he was resting at. This was a luxurious room, adorned with jewels.

"One of my homes." Dion stated simply, soaking the towel again. "You fainted, and I brought you here. It is only right to return the favor."

Y/n tried not to let those gleaming golden eyes bother him, or the fact Dion had multiple homes.

"I..." Y/n's throat felt like sandpaper, as he struggled to find words to express his thanks. At least here, he wouldn't be at risk of being caught by his family. With luck, he could hide here until the search blew over, and until.—

Y/n slumped. No matter what, his fate seemed inevitable. Aria was the main character—she would get her way.

This is pointless. In fact, even now his limbs felt slimy, loose, off-putting. It was a common side effect from exerting mana. There was a disjoint relationship between him and this body. It was not him. It wasn't. There was no real life in this body.

Y/n cast those bitter thoughts away and swallowed.

"Thank you," He murmured, adjusting the bandages on his arm, "you saved me."

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