chapter 3

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I was waiting for him alone in the park from last half an hour I was only one person in the park without having any company. I have texted him twice in last half an hour but he didn't replied to any of my texts. I was really frustrated. All my eager to meet him has changed into frustration. I mean who gets late in their first meeting with a girl. yeah it was just a meeting as he has not yet called it as date for a single time. I was upset and angry with him. I just really hate waiting. I am really a very impatient person. Still, I thought to stay and wait for next half an hour then leave.

Finally it was almost five and I was getting prepared to leave as I was too exhausted waiting for him. All of a sudden I received a notification in my phone and it was a text from Van.

Van: "where are you Ellyse."

Ellyse: "nowhere, and why does this even bothers you."

Van: "coz I am outside the main door of the park. Now can you please send me your location so that I can reach you."

Ellyse: "I don't think you need my location from google maps to reach me. just get inside the park and start walking toward east you'll find me."

Van: "fine Ellyse I'll find you."

Finally he has reached. But now all my excitements has just got vanished. Although I still was expecting him to find me as fast as possible. I was continuously looking around me to see him before he sees me so that I can make myself prepared for him.

oh God! finally am watching a six ft tall, fair complexion man walking toward me. Last time I saw him he was very formally dressed in his suit for wedding. But right now he is wearing black shirt and jeans well dressed like a man in which he is really looking super sexy. Wait did he know that I love man dressed in black shirt wearing a cool watch. Have I ever told him this?. Every girl in the park was secretly glancing at him. Even I cannot take my eyes off from him. "Hey Ellyse you are really looking gorgeous" "Ellyse are you okay?" "yeah! yeah I am. thankyou but you are looking more hot today. I mean at first glance I couldn't take my eyes off from you. Sorry if I said too much." "hey please don't be sorry. you know what you are the first girl I ever met who speaks everything she thinks you are so spontaneous and an amazing person I have ever known." "woah! you are the first person who said this to me. Thanks" "Look what a coincidence we both are wearing black. And you know what black definitely suits you" "Thanks"

Wait with all this sweet conversations my rage is not gone am still angry with him. "So this is your habit to be almost an hour late from the time you have given to someone. I was just about to leave and block you now but suddenly I received your text. Thank god your timing is good I hate waiting and I just hate people who make me wait. Being pretty doesn't give you the right to waste so much of my time and make me upset"

He was silent for few second and suddenly held me embrace. I was shocked. "Am sorry Ellyse I was out at 3:45pm coming straight to meet you but suddenly I received a phone call from my friend that he met with an accident and now is admitted in the hospital so I Immediately ran toward the hospital very fast that I have even forgotten to text you when I reached I breathed with relief that he was not much injured and suddenly remembered that I have given time to you and ran toward the park finally I am here now." "Sorry to hear that and again sorry for being rude." "that's all right dear you just misunderstood me."

I just started looking at him so that he can realize he is holding me. "Am sorry Ellyse I was just too worried about your rage" "that's fine".

We were quite for almost five minutes now I think I have to start the conversation. "So, I wasn't even anticipating your text. And I think you texted me because of the conversation Alan and I had that other night." "I was about to text you Ellyse I was just to scared about your reaction and then what Alan did. I mean I never wanted it to go like this." "I think it went great. So, are you really? umm I mean what Alan said is true." "yeah I think so. But only if you are comfortable with it I am not forcing you we can still be normal friends chat randomly. I don't have any problem with it." "So, Van I think I need some time to reconsider all this if you don't mind." "yeah definitely take your time Ellyse I can wait as much as you want me to." "one question." "please." "why you even like me." "how can someone you met cannot get attracted to you. you are a versatile girl Ellyse. you are such a resilient person, the strongest one I have ever known till date. After everything you went through you didn't gave up. you are an amazing person with great humour. We share same vibes. plus you are really gorgeous and attractive. I mean I have still fallen for you if you wasn't."

I am just astonished after hearing to what he just said. "guess what, you are the first person who ever found my personality attractive. I mean yep people some times falls for my looks but you are the first who fell for something which maximum people hates I mean I myself hate my personality. I think am nerd which is really disappointing but what can we do now." "Wait, wait who said you are nerd as said before you are the most interesting person I have ever known. Who recognized you as nerd? screw them." "thankyou Van. your words are more attractive than your looks I guess." "oh! finally I found someone who sees something different in me more attractive than my looks. thanks Ellyse. come, lets get you an ice-cream." I nodded.

He wiped the cream from my lips with his fingers which was the most romantic moment we shared that day. Walking in the sunset, Chatting and sharing our top most secrets was everything we did that day. I never felt this loving in my entire fifteen years of life. And I got so busy having moments with him that I almost forgot about the watch. "wait Van what's the time now?" "it's 7:15. Why?" "oh! God its time to run my grandma is gonna kill me and feed me to street dogs. she'll drink each and every drop of my blood am too scared I have to go, I have to go." "Okay! okay just relax. calm down. As much as I know your grandmother is not a Dracula or something. She wont drink your blood trust me. She don't even wants her rest of life to be spent as prisoners so I don't think that she's gonna kill you anyways so just relax baby. I'll get you a cab and drop you at your place so, you don't have to run either. just enlighten me when we are gonna meet next?." "I think its my birthday next week. my parents are coming and they decided to threw a grand party so you can come along with Alan. Now can you please drop me home." "Relax baby just follow me."


Near Ellyse apartment

"Drop me here I don't want my grandma to burn like a fire ball after seeing me with a boy."

"okay baby. text me whenever you get free tonight"

"stop calling me that am not your baby"

"fine baby."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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