"Untie her y'all. Right now! Untie this bitch." I demanded them with hella bass in my voice.

Spit? Does the bitch know how nasty that is? The only way to handle that is an ass whooping.

As soon as she was free I dragged her up, down and around this entire building.

She wasn't going down without no fight though, she was definitely getting her licks in.

By the time Max and Teejay broke it up, it was clear who had won the fight and it damn sure wasn't her knotted up ass.

"You got fuckedddddd up." Teejay laughed while holding a camera in her face.

"Put that bitch back in that chair." I told them before leaving out the building, my adrenaline was rushing and I needed to get away for i did something to her ass.

⚜️        ⚜️        ⚜️

"Your honor I am not sure where our witness is, can i step away to find out?" The prosecutor spoke and the judge allowed him.

It was quiet in the court while he stepped away.

Milo looked back and made eye contact with me, he started to looking around and shake his head. It was me, Max & Teejay, once again, always us 3.

But no sign of Neliah of course, which is probably why he was shaking his head.

A few minutes had gone passed before the prosecutor came back in and approached the bench to speak to the judge privately, and so had Milo's lawyer.

They both went back where they were supposed to be as the judge began to speak.

"As the eye witness has decided to go ghost and that being the only evidence the state has against Mr. Miller, I have no choice but to acquit all charges brought upon him.. Mr. Miller is free to go. Court is adjourned." He then hit the gavel and I had the biggest smile on my face as he did so.

Milo turned around and smiled, he had a smile bigger than mine of course.

We did it

The police officer in the court room guided him out a back door and we left out to go find him.

⚜️        ⚜️        ⚜️

"You free my boy!" Teejay and Max dapped him up and I gave him the tightest hug that I could.

"I appreciate yall for showing up, yall the realest in my corner. Especially you." He looked at me, "I expected another bitch to be more down for me then you and you showed me different so I owe you."

I just smiled and nodded, "We gotta go."

We left the court and started to driving to where we had left Neliah.

Milo kept asking where we were going along the way but none of us would tell him, he was in for a surprise for sure.

After driving for about fifteen minutes, we finally pulled up.

"Aw what the hell y'all got going on?" He said while we was getting out the car.

"You'll see." I told him while guiding him in.

As soon as him and Neliah seen eachother , they both looked lost for words.

"What the fuck yall doing to her?" He looked at me, Max and Teejay.

"You might wanna know what she was doing to you, instead." Teejay told him.


"This bitch was the witness the whole time! Like I tried to tell you!" I told him.

"Man nah." He sucked his teeth, "Jilly you getting on my nerves with this shit now."

"How you think you got out? Cause we held her here so she couldn't show up, duh! Use yo fucking brain! She tried to get you set up with Jd and when that ain't work she went another route."

"And boy boy boy." I laughed, "Guess what this all about?! Lil ole me. She mad about lilllll ole me!" I kept laughing cause it was hilarious to me.

Plus this was a "I told you so" moment so of course I laughed about it.

"She telling the truth Neliah?" He looked at her and she looked at him with sadness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Milo."

"Sorry? bitch you was ready to send me to jail or get me killed behind a bitch i wasn't even fucking with!"

Why I gotta be a bitch?!?!

"It was selfish of me to do that, i'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I wasn't thinking rationally."

"You think I should forgive you?"

"Please do." She proceeded to cry which irritated me, cause bitch bye with all that shit.

"Fuck you hoe." He told her before grabbing the gun max already had out and shooting her in the head atleast nine times.


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