"Certainly, Mrs. Collins."

"A good chance for you all to have new uniforms, choose something to
suit the season, and please ask Maria to serve when we have guests until
Minnie is smartly dressed. I promise that's the last work talk today
Donna." Maria and Minnie resumed training his choker.

Jennifer might be pretending not to notice him but she had slipped up in
noticing his improved figure. Weeks of tight lacing until he had his
corsets, apart from his new black one, fully closed were soon to be
rewarded. After so many disappointing weeks, and the awkward 'Samuel'
and 'cuckold' conversations he felt happy thinking of the new, improved,
stricter, Jennifer. At last she had started treating him as he wanted.
He daydreamed about how, if she had done that from the start, there
would have been no need to fire the contract cleaners...no need for
Donna and Maria to be here...no need to be in chastity...and now the
choker, he hoped Donna had no more surprises.

Maria set the tone for their unsupervised day by sending Minnie to
refresh Jennifer's room. By the time he returned Maria had changed out
of her uniform into a summer dress. She lounged on a sofa in the sitting
room, her sandals carelessly kicked off. Minnie, recognising a game was
afoot, hid his joy and softly cleared his throat. Maria looked up from
her iPhone, smiled. "perfect timing Minnie, you can serve my coffee now"
her concentration returned to the choker remote control and user manual.

Minnie smiled, his day had gotten better. "Certainly Miss Maria."

Maria, her attention focussed on the choker, had all but forgotten about
that game. Maria was still reading when he returned "your choker detects
voices and other people in the room, that gave me an idea." She tapped
at the chastity remote, spoke a series of instructions like 'serve tea,
wash the dishes, and such like' "All done...the choker recognises my
voice now and will expect you to call me Miss Maria whenever we are
alone... try calling me Maria."

"Maria." Minnie felt a barely tolerable shock from choker and chastity,
she told Minnie to curtsey. "No, not like you are in pantomime, silly."
Maria stood. "Like this, a discrete bob." She had to repeat the action a
couple of times before Minnie got it right, the movement was more a
relaxing and tensing of thigh muscles, his head moving a centimetre or
so at most.

"Perfect Minnie, a sign of respect so discreet it will go unnoticed if
someone accidentally sees us."

"Thank you Miss Maria." He bobbed, felt himself radiating happiness at
seeing Maria unable to hide her pleasure. As he prepared lunch he
thought how, first Jennifer, now Maria had turned the day from level 1
bad to a level 5 good day.

Partway to the city Jennifer's cell pinged, Siri bore bad news 'Jennifer
sorry it's last minute today's luncheon rescheduled Ariadne.' She
glanced at Donna "I'll go shopping instead."

"You want to turnaround Jen? I can meet up with Helen another day."

"No need." Jennifer smiled at Donna calling her 'Jen' on purpose. "We
are so close to the city I hear clothes shops calling me...

"Sorry I've overstepped the mark" Donna looked serious "shortening your
name like that without asking Jennifer."

"You didn't overstep any mark, and I like it when you call me Jen,"
Jennifer said with a hint of self-consciousness.

"Okay Jen." They both smiled, Donna gave Jennifer's hand a brief
awkwardness clearing hand squeeze. "But you will tell me if I overstep
the mark, right?"

"Sure." Jennifer felt a little confused by all the mark and stepping
talk. "Can you stream some background music."

With Donna's help CarPlay soon provided a soothing soundtrack. "We could
shop together before lunch? Please say yes Jen, you have great fashion
sense and I would really like your advice."

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