2 Y/n Grayson

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Ten minutes earlier...

Leaning against the sleek figure of my black Tesla, I took a moment to breathe in the crisp, salty air. The pristine coastal town of Willow Bay, my hometown, lay sprawled out before me. The nostalgic hues of childhood memories painted every corner, yet they starkly contrasted with the sharp monochromes of the city life I had grown accustomed to.

I stared at the familiar wooden sign, etched in elegant calligraphy: "Willow Whims". Of course, Lilliana  would name her coffee shop something quirky like that. The playful chime of laughter and the soft hum of conversations wafted out from inside. This was it. Ground zero.

Heaving a sigh, I hesitated just a second longer before pocketing my keys. It was time to face the past, to brave the quiet judgments and hushed whispers that were bound to come my way. People here would know of the scandal, of course. News like that travels, even to the most remote places, polluting innocence with the harsh reality of modern life.

More pressingly, I was about to see her again—Lilliana. I hadn't been fair to her; I knew that. Back in high school, when life started becoming complicated, when the troubles at home escalated, I began pushing people away. I picked on her because it was easier than dealing with my own emotional quagmire. Yet, I couldn't deny that over the years, amid board meetings and business trips, thoughts of her and our small town crept up on me more often than I cared to admit.

A group of kids on bicycles whizzed past, their laughter echoing the carefree days I once knew. Days of scraped knees, climbing trees, and sunny afternoons with Sean and Cons. It was a simpler time, a stark contrast to the world I now inhabited.

Gritting my teeth, I pushed myself off the car. The city's noise had been replaced by the gentle whispers of waves. The glaring neon lights swapped for the golden hue of the still-rising sun. It was unsettling, yet soothing in a way I hadn't felt in years. 

I pushed the café door open, its bell tinkling a merry note that seemed so out of place given the gravity of what I felt. As I stepped in, the air thick with the aroma of freshly ground coffee and baked pastries, I scanned the room. I saw faces I recognized, lives that had moved on without me, eyes that carried a mixture of surprise and something less definable. Some gave me nods of acknowledgement; others looked away.

Ever walk into a room and get that gut sense that you were the very topic of conversation moments prior? Multiply that by a hundred, and that's how it felt walking into Willow Whims. As I stepped in, the room fell eerily silent, save for the soft jazz tune floating in the background. It was as if time held its breath.

I could feel it - the gazes, the whispers behind cupped hands, the obvious attempts to look anywhere but directly at me. There's a unique kind of unease that comes from being the epicenter of attention, and in that instant, I was its very embodiment.

Then I saw her. Lilliana.

Behind the counter, her eyes widened in that moment of recognition. She looked different, yet so familiar. The girl I knew had blossomed into a woman, a woman who looked like she could hold her own, who had built something meaningful with her life.

But amidst the sea of familiar yet distant faces, there she was, a beacon amidst the shadows of my past. Lilliana. Even after all these years, she was the very heart of Willow Bay's charm. Those blue eyes, deep and oceanic, still had the power to pull me in. They were filled with a myriad of emotions, surprise, perhaps a touch of wariness, and something else I couldn't quite decipher.

Her wavy brown hair cascaded like a waterfall, strands shimmering in the café's ambient lighting. And that figure... Good lord. Even under the soft apron and a casual ensemble of jeans and a tee, her sensuous curves were undeniable, hinting at a maturity and allure I hadn't seen before. It was a far cry from the playful, innocent girl of my memories.

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