Be Our Guest

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The castle's dining hall was grand and ornate, with a long table set for the gathering. Gale, the floating crystal ball, led Tav to a seat, while Karlach settled into the fireplace nearby, her flames dancing with anticipation.

As Tav took her seat, she surveyed the group around the table. Animated objects resembling utensils, plates, and goblets awaited her arrival. The atmosphere was surprisingly festive.

Gale introduced Tav to the enchanted entities around the table. "This is Forksworth, our resident fork, and Platerina, the glamorous plate," he gestured to the utensils with a playful tone.

Tav nodded, trying to absorb the surreal nature of the moment. "Nice to meet you all, I guess."

Forksworth wiggled its prongs in greeting, while Platerina spun elegantly on the table. "Welcome, dear guest. We're delighted to have you join our enchanted gathering."

Tav couldn't help but chuckle at the animated objects' hospitality. "Well, thanks for having me. But I have to admit, this is all a bit overwhelming."

Gale grinned, "Don't worry. You'll get used to it. Now, let's enjoy the feast!"

The table erupted in a magical display as dishes floated in the air, presenting a variety of delicious-looking food. Tav couldn't deny her curiosity, and she tentatively tried some of the enchanted dishes.

As she tasted the magical creations, Tav engaged in conversation with her newfound companions. Forksworth and Platerina shared amusing stories of life in the castle, and Karlach chimed in with her anecdotes.

Amid the lively dinner, Tav's initial apprehension began to fade. The enchanted entities, though peculiar, were surprisingly friendly and entertaining.

Gale continued to talk to Tav about all the 'rules' of the castle and what she should know. "Also, no going in the west wing."

"Gale!" Karlach chuckled, "We don't have a west wing!"

"Yes, we do-"

"No, we don't!"

Tav's head bounced back and forth between the two, "A west wing?"

Forksworth chimed in with a concerned tone. "Oh, you'll learn that Gale and Karlach have their little disagreements. Keeps things interesting around here."

Tav raised an eyebrow, finding amusement in the lively dynamics of her newfound companions. "A west wing that may or may not exist? Interesting indeed."

Everyone else yelled out, "No!"

Despite the unanimous denial from the enchanted personas, Gale remained insistent. "Tav, you must promise not to go into the west wing. It's a place of mystery and danger, and we strongly advise against it."

Tav couldn't help but be intrigued by the mysterious notion of a forbidden west wing. She kept note of this for later.

As the enchanted feast continued, Tav found herself engrossed in the magical conversations and delightful stories of her animated companions. Forksworth shared tales of daring food adventures, Platerina reminisced about the grand banquets held in the dining hall, and Karlach's comments added a touch of drama to the enchanted tales.

After the dinner, Gale led Tav back to her room. She slowly realized that if you brought up any topic about his time as a scholar, he would talk forever. Tav used this to her advantage.

He continued, "Then I studied some more under a different apprentice..."

While he talked, Tav saw a staircase with a plague that read 'West Wing' on it. She smirked and made sure Gale floated ahead of her.

Tav couldn't resist the temptation as she approached the staircase leading to the mysterious West Wing. Gale continued his animated monologue, unaware of Tav's mischievous intentions.

As she ascended the stairs, Tav couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation. The enchanted entities had explicitly warned her against entering the West Wing, and yet, the allure of the unknown beckoned her. The staircase seemed to stretch endlessly, winding its way through hidden passages and secret corners of the castle.

Finally reaching the entrance to the West Wing, Tav hesitated for a moment. She glanced back at Gale, who was still enthusiastically recounting tales of his scholarly pursuits. With a sly smile, she pushed open the creaky door and stepped into the forbidden territory.

The atmosphere in the West Wing was palpably different. The air was thick with dust, causing her to cough.

The dimly lit corridor of the West Wing seemed frozen in time, with cobwebs adorning the edges of ancient paintings and forgotten tapestries. Tav cautiously navigated the eerie silence.

As she ventured deeper, Tav stumbled upon a room with a worn wooden door slightly ajar. The room seemed untouched by time, and a faint floral fragrance wafted through the air. Pushing the door open, Tav discovered an old-looking room with a large window.

In the center of the room stood an intricately carved table, adorned with a single, glowing rose in a delicate crystal vase. The petals of the rose emitted a soft, pulsating light that illuminated the room in a warm, enchanting glow. Tav approached the mesmerizing flower, captivated by its magical allure.

She tiptoed closer to the rose. But just as Tav's fingertips were about to brush against the radiant petals, a chilling voice sliced through the silence of the room.

"Ah, I see my warnings have fallen on deaf ears."

Tav froze, her heart pounding in her chest as she turned to see the figure of the vampire standing in the doorway, his eyes gleaming with anger.

The vampire stepped further into the room, his presence commanding. "This rose," he began, his voice carrying a weight of ancient wisdom, "holds a power beyond your comprehension. It is not meant for mortal hands." He picks up the vase and holds it gently.

Tav stares at the rose. "Sorry, I got curious."



"Leave!" He yells at her. "Leave and don't come back."

"You mean..."

"Yes, the deal is over. Just, leave this place. Go back to your father. I can't handle someone else here." He turns to protect the flower as if she was going to smash it.

Tav is now given the chance the escape, and she is planning to take it.

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