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"Do you ever get tired of being wrong?"


"yeah sometimes" Max replied, sneaking a glance at Kyma, who was slumped in the corner
"Whatcha lookin at thunderman?" She growled, Max raised his hands in surrender
"Am I not allowed to look at the girl who complimented my pranking?" He asked
"No. Your not." She replied, folding her arms across her chest and huffing.
"Welcome! To my dads old layer" D.H Jr exclaimed "A homage to his hatred to the thundermans"
"No shit." Kyma muttered, looking around, she had only been there once before, and it was at D.H Jr's sixth birthday, where he had thrown cake at her face and she had never come back.
"Oh how he longed to trap you all in this booth-" D.H Jr continued "well, not you Kyma, he was rooting for us to date. Did you know that?" He asked, Kyma made fake gagging noises
"Like I'd ever date an arse like you..." She snarled "I have...better tastes"
Max coulda sworn she snuck a glance at him.
Must be imagining things.
"Oh he would dream about the day when he could inflict its torments on you" D.H Jr ranted
"Does it look like anyone here cares Jr?" Kyma rolled her eyes, so full of himself.
"I do" he shot back
"Your mental Jr. Mental. I'm telling you"
"Am not!" D.H Jr crossed his arms, then his face lit up "oh! And we had my birthday parties here!"
Strondor Jr chuckled and leaned forward. "Those parties were smashing!" He exclaimed
"Not for me..." Kyma grumbled
"Still mad you were accidentally shut in this thing? We were twelve." D.H Jr snarled
"Yeah! I almost died if your dad hadn't come back with the cake!" Kyma argued.
Oh yeah.
She had been here twice.
She didn't like mentioning the second time.
She had almost died.
She promised she would never come back to this place after that.
Never be in this death chamber again.
That didn't turn out to well did it?
Pheobe looked around, then gasped
"You'll never get away with this! Our families-" she started
"My dads locked in a cell thanks to you two" Kyma grumbled, Pheobe sent a- was that guilty?- glance at Kyma before continuing
"Once they realize we're gone! They'll come and set us free!" She yelled
"Oh. Did you tell them where you were going?" D.H Jr pouted and Kyma rolled her eyes, sticking up her middle finger at him.
Max and Pheobe looked at each other, sharing a;
'Shit. We didn't'
"I knew it" D.H Jr, pulled back "families are just a burden to talents like us" he explained
"NO!" Kyma yelled, leaving her spot in the corner "You two faced douche! Families are what keep us strong!" The girl looked at the ground "of course..I only know from seeing...not from experience" she sighed, wringing her hands "so, then again, what do I know?"
"hm.. Such a pity Kyma isn't it? To be so ridiculous you Dont know what love feels like? Well" D.H Jr turned to Max and Pheobe "I'll say hello for you"
"Bitch.." Kyma muttered under her breath
"Fire up the jet!" D.H Jr yelled "destination; hiddenville!"
He then hit a button and the machine got to work.
Oh no.
Kyma remembered this all to well...


"Jr! Jr! Jr help! Turn it off!" She had yelled "Jr! Help!"
"don't worry Kym! I'll get my dad!" The boy had pure urgency on his face.
It proved he did once care about the girl in the glass box.
"Jr hurry!" She had sobbed , the silver liquid was up to her waist now.
"SOMEONE!" she screamed "HELP ME!"
"Get out of the way son!" She heard Dark mayhem's voice yell "Dont worry!" He called.
Her elbows.
Dark mayhem pressed more buttons.
Her shoulders.
She felt the liquid drain and someone pull them into their arms.
"Kym. Kym. You ok?" Dark Mayhem Jr. She realized.
That was before she blacked out.
End of Flashback.

"Kyma!" Someone yelled, her eyes shot open to hear a lecture playing "oh my god. What is this torture? This is worse then the first time!" She groaned, clamping her hands over her ears as the fifth grade Pheobe talked on and on.
"Oh come on! You too?" She exclaimed
"It hurts to listen to!" Kyma groaned
"I know right?" Max agreed.
This girl was just like him.
But prettier.
"also." Kyma said "what in the world is the smell?!"
"Max's gym socks!" Pheobe yelled "how are you not affected!?"
"I grew up with a Villain for a dad!" Kyma called over the loud sounds.


"ugh finally...the bees are gone" Kyma groaned, about to pass out from the last few tortures.
"you ok?" Max asked
"Just brings back bad memories is all" she waved the boy off
"Very bad memories..." She grumbled, then the girl turned to the screen knowing what was about to happen and slammed her eyes shut, biting her lip.
"you okay?"
"Does it look like I'm ok?"

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