chapter 4

22 8 2

Class 10th

Anxiously tapping his foot, waiting for the class to end but seems like God is not on his side today.

Mrs Rajni, English teacher her eyes fell on Iyaan who was looking outside of the window laying back on the chair fully resting his hand on each side of its arms.

"Iyaan! " She called out his name. But got no response.

"Iyaan Thakur.! " She again called out his name slightly raising her voice.

"MR.IYAAN THAKUR! " This time shouted making him flinch and he fell down.

An erupt of laughter echoed in the room.

"Yes mam, " He said standing up with the help of his deskmate and glare at the soul of the girl, called his enemy.

"Sit at the front. " Mrs. Rajni point at the seat in front of her beside his little enemy.

He groaned and remain standing there.

"Didn't you listen what I said? " She spoke angrily.

"Bu -"

" Ladkio ke sath bethne m sharam aati h. " She said sarcastically knowing the thinking of boys these days.

Who think that sitting with girls 'll break down their stupid ego.

" No mam. I'm so -" His word died the second he looked up in her angry eyes which were spitting fires at him.

Sitting beside kashish, he think as the best option if he doesn't want to end up ruining his cool boy look in class.

"Don't be too happy. " He whisper in kashish's ears while Mrs. Rajni resume to explaining about the chapter.

With a amuse look he glanced at her who was becoming bolder day by day.


" You are saying as if I was dying to sit with you. " She whispered back with a bitter expression.

"Oh! Please." He scoffed and snatched her book towards himself.

"Hey, it's mine." She said pulling back to her.

"Yeah, I know. When did I say it's mine. " He again snatch it.

She snatch it back. He give her a slight of annoyed look before pulling it back towards him.

She pulled back. He pulled back.

She pulled back. He pulled back.

In the haste of this book got torn into two peices.

Kashish looked towards her book with eyes wide, him with shock.


both flinch and looked up to meet their teacher's angry face who were looking so done with them.

She threw them out of the class before closing the door on front of their faces.

Kashish turned towards him and crossed her hand over her chest.

"It's all because of you. " She muttered before walking away from their.

She feel him walking behind her, stopped and turned around. "Stop following me. "

She saw his eyes which held little mischief, he start taking steps towards her whose eyes casted down to look at his shoes which were coming closer and closer just like her heart pouncing inside her to free him out.

Before she could understand, he raise his hand , while she shut her eyes tightly waiting for any impact but nothing came.

She open her eyes but found no one standing there. She looks back and saw him going away from there whistling with one hand in his plant's pocket and one in air with a blue ribbion type card which he is twirling in his fingers.

Seeing something familiar she looked at her neck which was empty when realization hit her, he has taken her I Card.

"Hey." She whisper yelled as they were in the corridor and ran behind him but he was quick enough to move fast.

As they run in the whole school from corridor to ground, then ground to third floor to sports court when finally he decide to stop in front of the hall near the authority room.

"Damn! Girl aren't you tired after running so much? " He huffed taking heavy breaths rubbing his hand on his chest.

" And don't you get tired of troubling me like this? " She shot back .

"No." He replied with a smug.
" Wanna take it back. " He twirl her I card in his fingers towards her.

When she raised her hand to catch it he pulled it back.

She looks angrily at him who was smirking at her. His smirk grew more wide knowing she couldn't do anything as they were in front of the office near the principal's room which had a transparent window .

His steps halted back when she lunged over his shoulder oulling his hand down.

"Give it back to me. " She said standing on her tip toes to match his khamba like height.

But their moment got interrupted when they hear a throat clearing sound.

"Ahem! "

They stopped and looked at each other realising their position. They were standing close to each other bodies almost touching, his breath fanning over her face while her on his neck when his eyes fell on her lips which were few metres away from his.

Heat rush over her cheeks, her stomach churn at his intensity -

" What the hell is going on here? " A strict voice echoed and looked towards the source of the voice after their little staring session.

"S-sir." Kashish stuttered when she looked at the person standing in front of them, principal of their school.

" 5 round for not wearing I card. " He declared.

She gasped. " But I ha - " Her words got cutted off in between when he added. " 10 more round for creating chaos in the corridor. "

"But list-" She tried to speak only to get cut off again.

" Don't you want me to add more
Rounds? "He asked with a little sarcasm.

She shook her head in denial and started walking towards the ground glaring at Iyaan.

Who was the main cause of her punishment.

" And you Mr. Iyaan. " The principal said drawing his attention to him.

" You know my name sir? " He asked a little shocked because principal knowing your name was like devil of hell knowing about the victim.

It's like coming in there bad books which surely no one wants because if anything happen even if it's in class then your name will surely be taken whether you were their at that particular place or not.

"Twenty five rounds. "

Iyaan looked at him with a wide mouth for being partial.

" You give her only ten rounds and me twenty five. "

" Twenty rounds first, for creating chaos in the corridor. Second, for running in the corridor, third fighting in front of the office, forth disturbing you fellow - " Iyaan stopped him in middle of the sentence his head bursted listening his remarks and silently went towards the ground before his dear principal start rambling about his mistake to him again.

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