chapter 3

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It's the month of June and July and the heat of Delhi and on top of that, if you are booked for basketball practice then your situation will get worse only.

The basketball court is alive with energy as students in colorful jersey dribble, pass, and shoot with precision.

The sound of sneakers squeaking on the polished floor mixes with the rhythmic bounce of the ball.

The school's famous cheerleaders doing practice for the opening of the upcoming match.

Some juniors moving in the corridor looked at the ground from the reiling gaping at the body of the star boys.

As sweats were dripping from their body, show casing of their muscles every time they jump to throw the ball, their movement when they smash the ball.

A buzzer announce their rest time and all the boys take a break running towards the water cooler.

In contrast, some girls were sitting near the tree under a shed reading a book.

"Hey, nerdy. " A bitchy voice came and kashish looked up to find a shanaya , a perfect combination of playgirl and bitch.

"Iyaan is calling you. " She said with an annoyed face probably  wondering why he is calling a nerd when she is there for him.

She nodded and stand up when a hand pulled her back. " I would like to remind you stay away from him. He will never like a girl like you heck ! " She muttered some incoeherient words before leaving from there.

Kashish's eye welled up, she blinked two three times to stop them and looked at the direction of court and walked towards it.

"What took you so long, huh? " He asked, wiping her face from towel, her gaze fell on his neck where a sweat drops fell and goes down from his neck to, his collarbone to his chest and down there.

She abruptly looked up when realizstion hit her , what she was doing.

"Go fill up my water bottle. " He passed her a water bottle and sit down on the bench.

" You could have filled this yourself. " She said in a low voice , looking down at the dusty ground.

"Don't make me angry, I'm already frustrated. " He slightly raised his voice, she flinched and marched towards the water cooler to fill the water bottle of 'not so cold yet angry young man'.

When the bottle got filled she turned but her front collided with someone's hard back making her take some step back.

" I'm sorry. " She said without looking up and start going from there.

When a cold voice stopped her, "hey, babe. " Came a flirty voice and she instantly recognised whom that voice belong to.

If Iyaan was notorious bully then Jai was a perfect example of bade baap ki bigdi aulad.

As she stood there, trying to stop her heart from thumping loudly, she suddenly felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. Turning around, she saw Ahan, a kind hearted classmate whom she had admired from afar but never spoken to. He stood tall, his expression determined yet compassionate.

"Leaver her alone, " He said firmly to Jai, his voice carrying a sense of authority. Jai hesitated but eventually left from there before muttering something under his breath.

Ahan then turned to kashish, offering a warm smile. "Are you okay? " He asked gently.

Kashish nodded, her eyes filled with gratitude and a hint of admiration.

From that day onwards, Ahan made it a point to walk her to class, ensuring she felt safe and supported.

Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, blossoming into a beautiful friendship.

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