Last Confession Daw?

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I like you from the very beginning,
And my world stop spinning
When you walk into the room
Please don't be feel awkward
I just wan't to be straightforward

(You we're my instructor that I admire from a far), I haven't met you for a long time but it feels like I've known you more than a long time. This kinda felt right but at the same time,
it ain't. (both girls)
(Maybe because I'm just your student who wants to learn)
And maybe because I just love the ideas of an arts, that's why.

But my heart keep telling me that I love you, my Professor.
Love? How can I tell I love you when I just felt this but couldn't show you.
Am I being too weak? Well, yes.
You makes me smile even by just a quick glance

Unsaid FeelingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora