Part 1

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In the living room of a Seville house eldest brother Simon Playing a game with his brother Alvin on the sofa.

Simon,Si , hey Simon, hey Simon!!, Alvin's voice called.

W-What? Simon startled.

What's wrong with you? You don't seem to be able to concentrate, Alvin said.

Nothing ! Simon replied

"Player 1 wins. Sounds from video games"

"You've lost to me 3 times already. It looks like you weren't playing at all. What were you thinking? Alvin asked

Nothing, you just play better than me. Simon replied.

Simon, I play a lot of games. I can tell if someone is playing or not, Alvin said.

"Alvin's phone suddenly rang"

I need a moment, Simon. Alvin said.

"When he checked his phone, it turned out that the caller was Brittany"

He answered the phone and said, Hey Britt, what's up? 

I'm having trouble choosing clothes for an upcoming school event. Can you help me? Britt replied.

I think whatever you wear is beautiful. So you just pick one of them, Alvin said.

"Very sweet, thank you but I really need your help. Are you really going to let me choose by my own? *fake crying* 
she replied"

Fine ,I'm coming. Alvin sighed.

Awww thank you Come quickly. love you ,Brittany replied.

I love you too. Alvin hung up the phone.

"Your girlfriend is having trouble choosing clothes? Simon laughed"

*Sigh* yeah , I really don't understand girl thing. I'll talk to you later. Alvin replied.
"Alvin then opened the door and left the house"

right.....That's the school dance again. Why should I be worried? Simon sighed.

Hey, Simon, what's wrong? Dave walked out of his office.

About the school dance, Simon responded.

Why? Why are you worried? Dave asked.

"I want to invite the girl I like. Then thought I wanted to build a relationship with her, Simon replied"

That's good. Why are you worried? Dave asked.

"Well, I think it's not yet time to have a relationship while still in school. Maybe there should be a period of working age or adult. I think Im still young. Simon replied"

"If you've thought about it, you shouldn't be worried. But because you actually want to have a relationship, right? As I am a parent I was definitely worried about you having a relationship while in school. But I believe you are responsible enough, Dave said"

And Alvin, what do you think about him having a girlfriend? Simon asked.

As for Alvin, I am a bit worried. But I can see that he has become more responsible. I believe Brittany will make him more mature. Because having a relationship requires understanding. Be responsible and mature to make the relationship work out. And I could see that he was very serious about her. I trust that he can take care of himself. Dave said.

"And you and Alvin are both 16 years old. I think these things are normal for teenagers to have problems with love or relationships. And it was an important lesson in life, Dave continued"

Thanks Dave, Simon responded. And what were you like when you were in school?

It's so complicated I don't really want to talk about it. Dave's face is tense.

Okay, I'll have to think about this for a while, Simon replies.

"After Alvin returned from shopping with Brittany"

Hey Si, I'm back .Alvin greets.
I thought it would be a little longer, Simon laughed.

Very funny, Simon, but I bought this for you. Alvin give science equipment to Simon.

Why, Simon wondered?

You may not remember, but I once broke your equipment. And you said it's quite rare. But I was able to get it back for you. Alvin replied.

Oh, thank you. Simon said in his own head, Dave was right, he had more responsibility.

"Previously, you asked me, Why can't I concentrate? Well, I was thinking about the upcoming dance, Simon said"

Why? Can't you find someone to be your partner? But Every year you always invite Jeanette.Alvin wondered.

"It's not like that. this year I will asked Jeanette as usual. But just this time is more special than before. Simon lowered his head and blushed"

Are you going to make a move? Alvin surprised.

What, I didn't say anything like that. Simon refused, but he still blushed.

Simon, I know, just admit it, Alvin said.

Admit what? It's not true ! Simon refuses. 

"Alvin picked up his phone and turned on the video. While Simon slept He kept saying Jeanette's name"

Why do you have a clip like that? Simon angry.

"I actually have several clips where you're asleep and accidentally said something like Arcadian warrior 5 or your lab password. Alvin replied"

Fine, I like Jeanette. And I want to make a move. Simon said.

I can ask Britt to help talk to Jeanette. Alvin replied.

"please, don't tell more people about this, Simon begged"

But I don't want to keep secrets from Britt, Alvin continued.

This isn't your secret. But it's my secret .Simon replies

Fine ,Alvin frown.

Thanks Alvin. Simon said.

I've helped you. I just wanted to ask if you'd be angry if I, er..accidentally Press the red button in your lab. Alvin sweated.

You did what!? Simon shout.

It probably isn't important, right? Alvin laughed dryly.

That's the Giezmo shutdown button!! 

You can open it again, right? Alvin laughed nervously.

Now he goes for a walk with Jeannette. I now know why they haven't come back yet. Jeanette probably thought she had done something wrong and tried to fix it for me, Simon replied.

"A knock on the door"
Coming, Simon walked over and opened the door. But what he saw was Jeanette.

I'm sorry, Giezmo was walking with Zeela. Then he shut down the system himself. I've been trying to find the reason. But I can't fix it.  Im really sorry Jeanette was sad.

Simon replied dont sorry jeanette.

"after explaining"

I understand now. I'm probably too worried. Jeanette said.

yea,thanks for taking Giezmo for a walk.  Simon was nervous.

See you then, Jeanette waved.

See you, Simon waved back

Very smooth, bro. Very smooth. Alvin smiled.

It's hard to say!! Simon replies.

I think maybe you need some music to help. Remember Mandy? I thought that song wasn't that bad. It just doesn't suit her very well, Alvin said.

You're right, thanks Alvin.

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