First I Saw You

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Shaney- this girl is kind, softhearted, full of insecurities, and talented. But hides all her problem,etc.

Murrey- this boy is very nice, kind, have faith in God, has cute smile, and has a good looking,etc.

Narey- Murrey's cousin and etc.

Renair- this guy is smart on Math he is our top2 or 1 in our first grade and so on when we graduate Elementary.

Clark- tall guy, have a good looking face, etc. (Also Shaney's crush long time ago.)

Nagelo- they're in the same height, kind one, cute,etc.

Neja- Shaney's classmate,etc.

Llieje- Shaney's classmate, etc.

Mae- Shaney's friend younger than her but she treats her like a family,etc.

Herleny- Shaney's classmate,etc.

Lori- Shaney's classmate,etc.

And more of Shaney's classmate know it.

This time is the beginning,

'I saw Murrey and sees his cute and attractive at first sight. He is very good looking, it made my heart flutter. The way he look at me and I look away. I was so shy to look at him and thinking that' 'I hope he doesn't know yet'.

Shaney have a crush on him that day. She won't look at him 'cause it will really make him think that something is suspicious.

The bell rang and all of the students go to their classroom.

Shaney's pov
We never had eye contact that day 'cause it's a bit awkward. I couldn't stop my smile. He is the first boy that I had a crush for a long years.

Shaney says that while thinking all of those. I'm just curious what if she did confess all along that time? I think she will get reject, everyone possibly think like  that whenever they confess.

Shaney: "Guys I have a crush on someone!"
Them: "Who?"
Shaney: "I won't tell I know you guys even tell it to anyone."
Them: "We won't, just tell it it's okay to tell that you have a crush on someone."
Shaney: "Fine, I'll tell it then, so I have a crush on our classmates!" (Shaney is very serious that time she even didn't think that she will say it.)
Them: "Ohh, who?"
Them: "Yeah, who is it?" (They say it while laughing quite.)
Shaney: "It's Renair, Clark, and Nagelo!"
Them: "Ahhh, ehe, hehehehehe ayiieee! Haha"
Shaney: "Why?"
Them: "Nothing were just shock hehehehe!"
Shaney: "Okay!? But don't tell them okay?"
Them: "Yeah sure."

Shaney's pov
I said that so they won't know. I lied on them 'cause I'm a bit shy. Actually one them those three guys that I said I have a crush on him. Yeah I know I have two crush and more? Hhahhahahhahahha.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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