"When will you come back?"

"I don't know."

"Come home before seven."

Raasya looked at her in surprise, "You've never given me a curfew and today you're imposing one. That too so early?"

"Yes, because Khuranas are coming over for dinner. If you want to skip, then..."

"No. I'll be home on time."

Vandana patted her daughter's cheek, "Okay. Have fun."


Abhinav went through the files of his current project that he was undertaking in Chanakyapuri. Abhinav Kapoor was the owner of Milieu group of hotels that had four hotels with two in Chandigarh and two in Delhi, one of them being currently constructed in Chanakyapuri. This project held a special place in Abhinav's heart, as its interiors were all being designed by Raasya. Although Raasya had her degree in business studies, designing was her passion. Abhinav had been looking forward to the day when her daughter would finally join him at work and as that day approached, Abhinav felt extremely proud of his daughter.

Raasya sat by the India Gate with her best friends or rather hydrogen atoms, Dia Singhania and Suhaan Arora. They had been friends since school. All thanks to their biology teacher for grouping them together for an assignment and they had been together since then. Besides this, Dia and Raasya's fathers had been business partners. At school, people often teased Suhaan for hanging out with two girls, but he knew that they were the best lot of people he had. "So, what's next?" Dia said.

"Marriage, kids, retirement, death." Suhaan replied vaguely.

"Oh Meena Kumari! Stop this." Raasya said.

"Exactly, tragedy queen. No job, but retirement plans are there on his list. Wow!"

"That's my talent baby!" Suhaan winked. Raasya glanced at her watch and started collecting her belongings. "Raasya, is your boyfriend waiting for you?" Suhaan asked.

"You know I DON'T have a boyfriend."

"Then why are you in such hurry today?"

"Mom told me to get home by seven today and its already six-twenty."

"From when did you start getting these curfew timings?"

"The offer is valid only for today. Tarun uncle and his family are coming over."

Tarun Khurana was Abhinav Kapoor's best friend. He was also a businessman and owned a textile company. They had been together since childhood, which eventually turned their families into good friends as well. Deepa Khurana, Tarun's wife, shared a very close bond with Vandana. She considered Vandana her elder sister. This bond that lasted over years had got all of them very close.

"That reminds me," Dia got up, "How is their son? He was in London, right?"

"I don't really know about him. We hardly talk about him."

"He was our classmate, the Aryabhatta."

"I remember. Suhaan, will you please drop me home?"

"What do I get in return?" Suhaan asked folding his hands against his chest.

"You will get.... A dairy milk Silk!"

"Very funny Raasya Kapoor." Raasya ran and hopped onto his back as they moved to the car. Raasya loved her friends and family. Her world was complete. She never felt anyone's absence or the desire to have that special one in her life. Love never really existed of the romantic kind. She was least expecting it to make way.


Loud, cheerful voices could be heard from Raasya's house when she reached. "Raasya di!" Rayna, Tarun's daughter came running and hugged her. "Hey Rayna!" Raasya hugged her back.

"Welcome home!"

"Hello Tarun Uncle. Hello Deepa Aunty. How are you?"

"We're great. Come have a seat." Tarun replied. Raasya sat on the arm rest of her father's chair.

"Good that you're here Shona," Abhinav said, "Tarun, now will you please tell us what you had keeping us on our toes for?"

"Yes. Well, since everyone is here now, let me come to the point." Tarun rubbed his hand, "It's an invitation for all of you, to the airport."

"Airport?" Abhinav asked.

"Are we planning a family trip?" Rayna asked.

"Not really. Adhyant is coming back." Tarun announced

"That's a great news." Vandana exclaimed. Raasya was confused about the reason for everyone's excitement. "Raasya, you remember him?" Deepa asked.

"I do. Vaguely. I remember him helping me out with my mathematics problems." She replied.

"So, day after tomorrow, eleven in the morning. You all are requested... No! you all are ordered to be there at the airport." Tarun said.

"Of course. We will all be there to receive our son." Vandana said. Everyone chatted for a little longer and then proceeded for dinner, after which, the Khuranas left. Raasya wondered that what it would be like meeting a friend or rather a classmate after five long years? Would he still be the same or might have changed?

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