The gang sighed in relief before Hop Pop emerged from the roof hatch.

Hop Pop: "What in tarnation? This is what I get for letting you kids drive!"

Anne: "Wait, no! This wasn't our fault."

Hop Pop: "Yeah, yeah, whatever. You three, inventory duty. I'm driving from now on."

Anne and Sprig entered the fwagon as Hop Pop took control of the reigns again.

Polly: "So much for story time. Well, there's always bath time. Hugs and scrubs at the same time. Whoo!" She entered the fwagon as it was revealed Hop Pop fell asleep.

Hop Pop *asleep*: "Now remember kids, safety first."

Y/N sat next to Hop Pop and took over the reigns. While inside the fwagon, Anne and Sprig were doing inventory.

Anne: "All right, how many mushroom bars do we got left?"

Sprig: "Uh, 28, 29..." Polly hopped through the bars while carrying a bucket of water and soap over her head.

Polly: "Boom! I'm filthy!"

Anne: "What the heck, dude?"

Sprig: "Hey, I was counting those!"

Polly: "Who wants to give me a bubble bath?" She hopped up in the air to cannonball inside the bucket.

Sprig: "No, not inside!"

Pollys's cannonball was so big that the water ended up splashing outside, waking up Hop Pop and making Y/N turn his head in curiosity. Inside the fwagon everything, including the food bars got wet.

Sprig: "Ah, cremany! All our mushroom bars are mush."

Hop Pop: "Stop the fwagon Y/N."

Y/N: "You got it Hop Pop." He stopped Bessie and took out his rifle and got on lookout again.

Hop Pop opened up the roof hatch and peeked his head through. "What's all the ruckus?"

Sprig: "It's Polly. She made a huge mess."

Hop Pop fell through the hatch and landed on a pile of mush.

Hop Pop: "C'mon, kids. I'm too tired for this."

Polly: "If you're tired, Hop Pop, I know what'll wake you up. Zap-tag! Just got to build up a charge, and..." She rubbed her body in the carpet charging up static electricity and hopped towards Hop Pop.

Hop Pop: "Polly, no. It's wet in here."

Polly zapped Hop Pop, shocking him.

Polly: "You're it!"

The electricity traveled throughout the fwagon and shocked everyone.

Anne, Sprig, and Hop Pop: "Polly!"

Polly: "But you guys loved zap-tag back home."

Hop Pop: "Yeah, but we're not at home."

Polly sighed. "Don't have to tell me twice."

Hop Pop: "Look, there's a truck stop ahead. We'll pull in and clean this mess up. Also, I'm gonna need about 30 cups of coffee." He banged on the wall signaling Y/N to move again.

After a few minutes, they pulled into the truck stop. Y/N stopped Bessie next to a nectar pump and pet her.

Y/N: "You're doing great girl. Just a little while longer."

Hop Pop walked up to Y/N and Bessie.

Hop Pop: "Sprig, Anne. You two start cleaning out the fwagon. Polly, go get some paper towels." He put the nectar pump in Bessie's mouth.

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