Truck Stop Polly

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It was dark outside as the gang was seen traveling through the forest on the fwagon. Anne and Sprig were outside with a map and lantern, Y/N was guarding the rear while polishing his broken sword, and Polly and Hop Pop were inside the fwagon.

Polly peeked outside the window. "Oh. Sure is spooky out there." She then saw a figure in the fog.

Polly: "Oh, hey! Is that Mrs. Croaker?" The fog cleared up revealing that it was some kind of bark form.

Polly: "Ah, false alarm. It's just some kinda-" The bark form began to move before some kind of insect launched itself to the window of the fwagon and screeched. Polly pulled down the blind.

Outside, Y/N peered his head over and saw the insect before he grabbed it by its tail and stabbed it with his sword. He threw the body away before going to wipe the blood off his sword but saw there was none. He shrugged it off before going back to polishing it.

Back inside the fwagon, Polly looked at the map on the wall.

Polly: "Wow, look at how far we are from home. It's a big scary world out there. Kinda makes a little tadpole like me feel small and scared. Well, hey! Maybe some story time will help me take my mind off it!" She hopped over to a small shelf and looked through some books before picking one out titled, "Fergus Frog Finds A Friend!"

Polly landed on Hop Pop's stomach while he was sleeping, waking him up.

Hop Pop: "Oh!"

Polly: "Hop Pop!"

Hop Pop: "What's wrong? We driving off a cliff? I knew I shouldn't have left Anne drive."

Polly: "No, Hop Pop. Everything's fine. I was just thinking it's a perfect time for story time!"

Hop Pop yawned before rubbing his eyes. "Sorry, Polly, but no. I was up all night driving and I really need to sleep."

Polly looked mad before using Baby Doll Eyes. "Please, Hop Pop?"

Hop Pop gave in before smiling. "I guess one story couldn't hurt. Hop on up, little camper."

Polly got closer to Hop Pop. "Aw."

Hop Pop: "Here we go. Fergus Frog finds a-zzzzz."

Polly: "Hop Pop!" She pulled on his tongue and slapped him with it.

Polly: "Hop Pop!" She gave up and hopped away.

Sprig and Anne were still driving Bessie.

Anne: "Man, this road is treacherous. Thank goodness I got you, Sprig."

Sprig: "Hey, don't mention it. Now, let's see here..." He looked through his binoculars. "Looks like there's a sharp turn coming up on the-"

Polly emerged from the hatch behind them. "Sprig! Guess what time it is? Story time!"

Sprig: "Not now, Polly. This stretch of road is dangerous and-"

Polly: "But it's a pop-up book!" She opened up a page as a big pop-up showed up knocking Sprig's binoculars and map out of his hands.

Sprig: "Wh-Whoa! Hey!"

Anne: "Sprig, which way? Left or right?"

Sprig quickly looked at the map before making a split second decision.

Sprig: "Uh-Uh, right. No left."

Anne steered Bessie uncontrollably before hitting a pothole. Making Polly let go of her Boom as it landed on Anne's face.

Y/N noticed the eradicate steering as he looked forward and saw the reason why. Anne removed the book from her face and pulling on the reigns making Bessie stop before crashing into a spikes tree.

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