Chapter Thirty-Five: ARI

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She shrugged, "I have a fighting a chance." She left it at that, deciding it was better not to mention a General now owed her for almost getting her killed.

"Call me Lutz." His casual attitude made it easier to feel at ease. Relaxing her posture Ari took his offered hand in a firm grip. "Ari Kana."

"Nice to meet you." His eyes narrowed in thought. "Any relation to the Ben Kana on the Heroes Wall?"

Ari's smile tightened. "My father."

Lutz's eyes widened. She managed to stifle a sigh. Even out on Meckam she would get the usual response. First the surprise, probably that someone like her was related to a military hero, followed by apologies for your loss, or spastic admiration for his career and accomplishments. She quickly mentally prepared her polite response, similar to the one Trevon always gave.

"Now that's a military connection."

"Yes, he was... Wait, what--?"

"Typical Lutz." Ari's shock was cut off by another arrival to the conversation. The same boy from before. Ari cautiously shifted back in her seat. "Lutz what are you doing hitting on a girl that looks seven years younger than you?" Grinning broadly as the young man stood over the pair until his eyebrows shot upwards in surprise. He recognized Ari. Grabbing his wrist he turned to protect his arm from the possibility of another attack. "Oh, hello again." He said, his smile quickly returning. "I promise, I'm not following you."

Lutz laughed. "I was simply talking to the unique young lady."

Ari looked down at her ragged appearance again, she also caught a whiff of a smell she hoped was not coming from her, though she was sure it was. She couldn't deny it, unique was a kind way to describe her at this moment.

"However," The coat giver continued, "A lot of questions came to mind at your awkward behavior."

"When have you known me to be awkward?" Lutz asked using both hands to point at himself. Trying to show extra confidence in his posture.

"Before Middle School. In Middle School. After Middle School -"

"Shut up."

Ari fought back the urge to laugh. This was a first, these boys fought with each other much like she and Trevon did. It filled her with a warmth of familiarity.

The bright boy took a the empty seat beside Lutz. "I'm Robie." He finally introduced himself. "I apologize for startling you twice."

"Even. The second time you looked more surprised than I did." She tried to smile back, still embarrassed at the attention. She lifted the fluffy coat from her lap, holding it out to its correct owner.

He rejected the gesture by waving his hand, "No. You're going to need that while you're on this planet. It was my sister's. She was headed home, so she's not going to need it."

Not knowing what to do in this situation Ari chose to put the coat back in her lap. Normally she would fight him on the matter and force him to take it back, however, looking back out the rapidly moving scenery outside, she was quite eager to keep it with her.

"Are you from the Academy, too?" She asked.

To her surprise, both Lutz and Robie laughed. The hair on the back of her neck ruffled, she hated it when people laughed at her.

"I'm sorry," Robie cleared his throat, "No, I'm not. This is actually a very recent inside joke because just weeks ago it was determined I am not academy material." Ari's face flushed red. She went to apologize but he moved on before she could. "What brings you to this fair planet?"

Ari's mind went blank, why was she here? What was she looking for... The pile of rags sneezed reminding her of his existence. "I'm looking for someone. A specialist of sorts." Suddenly everything Farris had said about Mage's came to mind. Why he was afraid of them, why she should be afraid of them. These two strangers had been very kind and entertaining, she hesitated scaring them off.

Although, now they were both staring at her, waiting for her to elaborate. "I-I, I broke something irreplaceable. It's made of metal, so I'm on a quest to find the person that can repair it."

Lutz nudged Robie, "I knew she was interesting."

"And that's why you started talking to her?" Robie questioned.

"No, I was curious about the creepy dude. Couldn't tell if he was her dad or if he was kidnapping her."

"No no." Ari's hands flew up quickly, she didn't want anything to scare Farris at this point, she didn't know what he'd do in such a small space. "Farris is not my kidnapper,"

"Well he's obviously not your father either."

Ari smiled, "Farris saved me off world. Then, I sort of broke his ship. Which I promised to fix, but to do that, I have to find a metal specialist."

The boys both exchanged glances, "Can you elaborate one what kind of metal specialist?"

"Sorry. I'm going off of warped information AND this is my first time on an actual C.E Planet so, I don't know what to expect if I ask outright." Both boys starred at her. She didn't like to be starred at, not to mention this was the quietest they had both been since she had met them. "I'm looking for a something call a Transmutationist. Do you know what that is?"

The pile of rags somehow retreated further into the wall, the move didn't go unnoticed. "He doesn't care for the Mage community, huh." Lutz said.

Ari just shrugged, she didn't like the bias, she didn't like the idea that Trevon might be marked for having such an amazing skill. Again, she decided to keep that to herself.

Robie's eyebrows pulled thoughtfully together over his warm eyes, "I know a few armature Transmutationists, but it sounds like you need an expert, and I don't know how you would convince any of them to go with you to fix a ship."

"I have the part with me." She lifted the strap to her duffel, mostly to check the weight and make sure it was still there. It was.

Robie reflected an encouraging expression, "Okay. You can come with me and we'll see who we can find to help."

Thrilled at the positive response Ari nodded, but the pile of rags suddenly spoke in his low voice, "Go where?"

Ari glared at Farris, who had yet to emerge from his hiding place, but Robie gently gestured with his free hand, that he was okay answering the rude man.

"Through the forest south of Kiev. I can escort both you and Miss Ariana after making a quick stop in town." Farris shifted beneath his clothing, she could hear him muttering under his breath, thankfully too quiet for others to hear. "The journey through the forest will be a bit uncomfortable though, not to mention we'll be going to a place mostly populated by mage."

The muttering increased, but eventually Farris made an agreeing grunt, overruling the skeptical, pessimistic and overly cautious voices.

"We'll take the risk. Thank you." Ari nodded.

She bounced slightly in her seat as hope bubbled through her veins. She looked back at the two strangers and marveled at the fact there were such kind people in this universe.

She used to believe she'd been trapped on a space station with the worse of humanity, this trip was proving that assumption to be completely accurate.

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