Chapter 2: Help me.. 도와주세요...

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Sangwoo had swung the metal bat at my side and I fell to the ground and hit my head to the ground. I grabbed my arms and groaned in pain loudly, "Aggh!! Ahh!!"

Sangwoo put the bat over his shoulder. "I told you to wait for me and instead you go digging your nose where it doesn't belong. Just like when we were younger.. You know.. You really don't change."

I turned my head back at him in fear as he towered over me.

"You know.." He began to speak again. "You could have just stayed, eaten and left without any issue. Look what you've done Mi-yeong, look what you have fucking done." His voice..

It was so threatening..

Just the tone alone scared me..


I tried my best to crawl away with the same desperation that same girl had while grabbing my shoulder.

Who is this person...? The Sangwoo I knew..

I kept crawling away the best I could.

Sangwoo without a problem walked behind me and followed.

...He was much more considerate and...

Sangwoo grabbed me by the back of my shirt collar. "A-Ah!!" I cried as I choked on the tugging. Sangwoo dragged me away from the stairs where I tried escaping.

...He was much sweeter..

I jabbed my elbow back and hit his leg with all the strength I had. Sangwoo let go for a second and I slipped away and pushed up past the pain.

I dashed towards the door like a moth running towards a light. That light was my freedom and once I ran I wouldn't let anything else stop me.

I began to run up the stairs and Sangwoo took two big steps and swung the bat again, right at my legs.

The Sangwoo I knew...

I fell backwards and with nothing to grab I fell backwards on the stairs and tumbled down like a helpless dog.

..It turned out the Sangwoo I knew wasn't here.

I looked up and Sangwoo began to trudge towards me with the bat. He knew he had all the power over me. I sat up while backing away. My heart sank a little when I felt the wall touch my back and Sangwoo just kept coming closer..


And closer..



I'm... going to die.

Sangwoo stood over me and I looked up at him with fear in my eyes as I grabbed my painful shoulder and sweat dripped down my skin like rain pouring down in the sky.

He held up the bat and got ready to swing it at me like I was nothing but a stranger to him.

My entire body was trembling and I was frozen in fear as the situation in front of me began to become more real.

I'm going to die! I'm going to die!! I'M GOING TO DIE!

He held his arms back ready to swing his bat down at me as if I was some kind of Piñata.


I don't want to die!!

I held out my hand and cried desperately, "I don't want to die!" He stopped for just a second and I continued to plead for my life, "I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't have left! I should have called and it was wrong of me to sneak around in a place I can barely call my home!!"

Killing us softly... // Killing Stalking FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now