Chapter 4: A Dog of a Day

Start from the beginning

"What for? You gonna send a message to somebody?"

"Yeah, but I sure won't be until I figure it out," I say.

"Just do all that peppy mushy-gushy talk you normally do," Kickin blatantly says, leaning against a wall. "What's the worst that can happen?"

"Huh. I guess it's worth a try. Speak from the heart... heh, you're right. That's what I do best! Thanks, Kickin!" I smile at him.

"Yeah, yeah, you're welcome. So," he starts. "Can we all go to the park today or something? I've got some personal records to beat at the slides and monkey bars."

"Oh. Can I please draw some of the things you do?" Crafty asks him sincerely.

"Sure, just get my good angle," Kickin flexes to himself.

"Well, we'll see about that," I reply, looking at the blank page once more. "Should really try to finish this soon, but... I guess I can just come back to this in a bit. Why don't you guys head over to the living room? I'll be there in a sec."

"Okay, Dogday." Crafty nods, following instructions without question.

"Whatever you say, dog man." Kickin nonchalantly agrees, probably just hoping he'll get his way today. The two walk out of the kitchen and I get up from my seat at the dining table.

C'mon, Dogday! Just do what needs to be done. Invite him over and take charge! He'll be fine because you know that you'll take care of him! I give myself an inner pep-talk.

I open up the chocolate chip cookie jar and eat my one cookie in confidence. You can do this! I wipe off the crumbs from my face and walk over to the living room. It's packed with all the rest of the Smiling Critters, just freshly awake from their sleep in the bedroom upstairs.

"Morning, Dogday!" says Bobby, smiling as her and Hoppy are watching TV.

"Heya! Hop-tastic mornin' Dogday." Hoppy greets.

"Good morning, you two." I smile at them. I look over to see Bubba sitting in a chair, reading books as he usually does.

"Oh, good morning, Dogday!" Bubba says, waving to me.

"Good morning, Bubba! How's the schedule looking so far?" I ask him.

"Everyone woke up at a crisp 8 AM," he says writing down some notes after answering me. "That leaves us with plenty of time for some fun-filled adventures."

"Great, thanks!' I tell him, happy to see he's on top of tracking what's going on. "Oh, and good morning, Picky!" I say, looking in her direction. She's just sitting on the sofa, busy eating an apple.

"Morning, Dogday!" She says, letting a few bits of spatter fly from her mouth.

"Dogday, can we play something today? Like jump rope or frisbee toss? The big grass field looks prime and ready for some runnin' around!" Hoppy asks.

"Hey, no!" Kickin interjects. "Let's go to the playground! I've gotta beat my personal bests!"

"Let's have a picnic! And bring lots of yummy snacks!" Picky suggests.

A Drop of Light in the Night ( Catnap X Dogday )Where stories live. Discover now