on lap 39 charles' dnf happened and she felt sorry for the season that her charlie could have later on, knowing last season had closed with some difficulties for ferrari.

tali rodriguez crossed the checkered flag on p7 ahead of valtteri and behind lance which meant they were the first ones to congratulate her for her excellent results during her debut.

the team received her with open arms patting her helmet before she went to get weighed, getting pats on the back from other drivers that she came across.

reaching her friend she immediately grabbed the water bottle in her hand and took off the helmet that had been concealing the massive smile she held over her results. she had given her all, conscious of the fact that the car wasn't the easiest to drive. lewis looked so proud of the girl though. his smile was full of happiness seeing as she was the rookie that had finished ahead of everyone and she had finished ahead of someone who was known to do great attacks which usually ended in him getting the position ahead.

as she took as much sweat from her face as she could with the towel tania had handed her previously, she felt two arms around her shoulders, hugging her from behind. the sweaty smell is a clear indicator of the person being a driver, turning to see a proud charles who despite his awful race, had it in him to congratulate his sister in all but blood.

"we're proud of you." he muttered against her hair. only the people who really knew her knew what he meant. there was an angel a race ahead that was jumping of joy all over the cloudy, heaven-located race track.

"thanks, charlie. i love you." she said with a soft smile, receiving the same phrase back from the monegasque.

"do you want to have dinner with me and other drivers? we're heading to a restaurant near your hotel and they asked me to invite you." charles said with a light tone, indicating he was handling the dnf with everything but bitterness.

"sure, who's coming tho?" tali said as she drank water.

"i think it's carlos, lando, alex, pierre, me and you." he listed making memory of the people who would go.

"sounds like a plan." tali said, nodding with a smile before catching sight of oscar near his garage but far enough away to sulk as he saw the commotion.

"do you want me to pick you up?" he asked, watching her leave the towel next to tania and approaching him to hug her one last time before she left.

"yes, please. i'll see you later, text me the time." she said before walking in oscar's direction.


"hey, you." tali said, waking the australian driver from his thoughts.

"hey, congratulations on the points!" oscar said with a huge, sincere smile when he saw who had called for him, though tali knew him enough to know his eyes were sad for his own situation.

"thank you. i'm sorry yours didn't turn out how you wanted it." she said with a smile that showed sympathy and understanding.

"it's fine. i mean, it's not fine, but i will be. i have hope that the car will improve during the season. i won't let a bad result control my vision for this season." he said measuredly, like he had been telling himself that since he got out of the car,which, knowing him and his smart and just mindset, he probably had.

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