Chapter 1

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WrestleMania Backlash


Where It All Went Wrong

And here we go again......

I was in the middle of a match defending my SmackDown Women's Championship at WrestleMania Backlash against Bianca Belair. Our feud started after Mania when I gave Rhea the opportunity to take on Belair for her RAW title after Rhea had lost to me at Mania. Rhea successfully beat Belair the following RAW and that Friday Belair was hounding at my door for revenge blaming me for her losing the RAW title, so she wanted mine. I told her if she couldn't beat Rhea then she stood no chance against me. She was then drafted to SmackDown and we'd been feuding since.

Now here we were one month removed from WrestleMania in Puerto Rico for Backlash. Bianca and I had been going at it for at least twelve minutes when she flipped me over the top rope my right ankle catching the edge of the ring apron with a hard impact. I knew my ankle was broken before I crashed to the ground landing on that same ankle. I screamed out and grabbed for my ankle, curling up into a ball between the announcer's table and the time keeper's area. The ref jumped out of the ring and came over kneeling beside me.

"Are you okay, Briar?" he asked.

"No, my ankle, it's definitely broken," I groaned as the pain shot up my leg.

"We need to stop the match," he said and as he went to throw up the X I stopped him.

" can't do that...if you stop the match, I lose my title, I can keep going," I told him even though I knew I couldn't actually keep going.

"Briar," he said. "This is dumb, things happen, it's not the end of the world. Let's get you some help," he insisted.

"No not yet, don't you dare stop this match, I'll finish it on my terms," I told him as stern as I could be with the pain throbbing. I managed to pull myself up with help from the time keeper's barricade. The ref didn't like it but he let it go, getting back in the ring. I glared up at Bianca in the ring. I started taunting her, I needed for her to come to me because there was no way I was going to be able to get back into the ring. The pain was bad but I'd been hurt before and the adrenaline going through me helped manage the pain for now.

"You come out here and I'm putting you through that table just like I do with everyone else!" I yelled at Bianca trying to find a way to get her to me and that was the comment that worked. She jumped out of the ring and stormed at me. I already had my hand on a chair she couldn't see and when she was within reach, I pulled it out jabbing it into her gut. She hunched over grabbing at her stomach. I took the chair lifted it up and smashed it over her back. The referee quickly called for the bell as Bianca went down. I took another chair shot at her before tossing the chair across the floor and sinking down to the ground my back sliding against the barricade as I listened to Samantha make the announcement.

"Your winner as a result of a disqualification Bianca Belair. However still your SmackDown Women's Champion Briar Wild," she said. All these people were staring at me, the crowd was a mix of shock and confusion but all I could think about was all the things I was about to lose. I'd just lost my first match since becoming SmackDown Women's Champion but it was only going to be the beginning. The ref handed me my title and I clutched it to my chest knowing now my time with it was limited. I'd never been attached to many objects but this, this was going to sting.

"Can you walk?" he asked.

"No, my ankle is completely shattered," I told him as the pain started to set in more. This time he threw up the X and I didn't stop him. As much as I wanted to suck it up and not be carried out of here even if I could walk, I'd probably just do more damage. All of a sudden, I had at least five people hovering over me, asking me a million questions. Someone touched my ankle and I freaked out.

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