hospital trip

9 0 0

soon the er arrived and picked both of you up, you sat in the back of the abulance and held sematarys hand..
"we'll get through this...."
you cried, gripping his limp hand. no one questioned what happened yet.

~time skip 1 week~

you sat besides his hospital bed, he was now concious but refused to talk to you, you cried so much. you perked up as the doctor walked in.
"ok i have some news.."
"yes doc"
you said
"so his brain is bleeding he is probably going to die y/n.."
you let out a whimper, falling to your knees and clutching your head.
"NO! SEMATARY......!"
you sobbed.
"yeah even if you didnt beat him up he would be dying anyway because he has lung cancer and its too late for chemotherapy.."
you let out a scream, crying
and this whole time.. sematary laid there.. the only word he could utter..

ABUSED!SEMATARY X READERHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin