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The sight of the basement door being left open was heaven sent, you swore you could've felt the feeling
Of pure joy, an emotion you hadn't felt it what felt like years. It probably was years since you felt that the emotion.

You had basically crawled up the stares, as quietly as possible. Eyes anxiously scanning the area, searching for the people that had kept you down in the dingy basement of theirs. Yet, there was nobody, the house completely baren. Were they out? Asleep perhaps? Dead? Hopefully.

It was a mystery to you, but did you stick around? Waiting to see if they'd come back? Of course you didn't. You went straight for the front door– the design of the darken wood completely different from the other ones. Your hands basically shook, waiting for the man that kept on insisting you called him 'papa' to pop out of no where, to yank you away from the door harshly and scream at you. telling you off.

Though, strangely enough, that didn't seem to happen instead, the house remained completely silent. You didn't waste another second however, opening the front door swiftly and running out. And you kept on running and running, hoping to find someone to call the police for you.

Poor little you though, should've just stayed in that basement, you didn't know what was going to happen. Certainly not this.

You were out of breath, the harsh coldness of the air hurting your throat like pins stabbing the back of your throat. The rain didn't help with your constant shivering either, teeth chattering, eyes filled with fear as you got the brief of warmth whenever running by on fire cars. Trying to keep out of way from the undead.

The groans and blood filled hisses from the rotten corpses that walked around, raising their arms to try and catch you. Dragging their feet through the blood and water covering the roads. You were terrified. Heart pounding in your ears, breathing erratic and refusing to slow down, thoughts racing. Eyes scanning as you ran, buildings became blurred, the scream and cry's for help from the few people that were actually alive made your ears ring. Was this actually happening?

Why did this outcome have to happen?

"Wait! Please!" You desprately called out, noticing the police station, the place that had been burned into your memory from your childhood before the whole kidnapping incident.

The zombies that started slowly inching closer to the gate groaned some more. Milky eyes shifting around.

Lucky enough for you, the gate was held open with the guy ushering you in.

You duck past a zombie that tried to snatch you, missing you by a strand of hair as you stumbled inbetween the gaps of the gates, letting the guy push it back shut, securing it with the metal pole thing.

You panting, trying to keep yourself from breaking down, you took in deep breaths, hand held to where your heart was.

You stared at the milky eyes of one of the zombies that groaned pushing itself up against the metal bars.

"Are you okay?" The man placed his hand on your shoulder taking a step back when you snapped your head to him. Slowly nodding shakily, you clearly didn't look okay, but that was fine he didn't think anyone would be in a situation like this. "Let's get you inside." He moved his hand to your upper back, sliding over your shoulders as he ushered you inside.

What were you supposed to do now? Did you explain what happened to you over the past ten years when talking to whatever police officer was alive? Or do you just stay silent? Did your situation really matter if something like THIS was going on? They wouldn't care.

Your fingers gripped each one of your forearms the cold skin under you strangely warm palm felt weird but at least it was warming you up, even if it was just a little bit.

You stared wide eyed at the floor even when the man that had generously held the gate open for you strangely ran his hand up and down your back but let go once you both got inside, calling out for someone– anyone that might be been there to hear him. Snatching the medspray from the crates stacked upon one another, taking the handgun bullets on the front desk as he went for the laptop, pocketing the bullets for safe keeping.

The man- Leon, leaned on the table, staring at the security cameras of the rod, clicking around before noticing a man shooting off some zombies, saying a few words before continuing down his marry little way to escape certain death. "What's going on?" You felt your heart begging to pound in your ears once more. Though, all he could reply with was a quick–

"Stay here i'll–" you quickly interjected, you knew you sounded annoying but yet, you couldn't stand being alone, the thought made you want to cry, you were petrified and being alone wouldn't help that feeling. You gave him an almost begging look, hoping he'd just agree with you.

Though, with that simple begging look seem to just create a whole new problem for you, you hadn't noticed that small, barely noticeable twinkle in his eyes as he nodded, watching your eyes brighten with more hope.

That basement may have been you bestest way of survival...

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