[regr + gasa4] aren't you forgetting something?

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This was great! And entirely irresponsible, even better! Player would end up reaching the end barely, having to drift their car to the side and entirely stop in order to not hit those right behind the finish line, sending them out of the car and landing on their stomach.

With a groan of pain, Player was teleported back into the elevator. And they laid in the center of it, mentally complaining about how bad it hurt to be straight up tossed out of a car. Not the first time, as they remembered the one time they stole Cashier's car and crashed it.. Yeah, good memories. They had a small smile on their face as they sat up eventually, getting to their feet and still grasping their side as it ached.

The mute teenager remained in the middle of the elevator, seeing as the timer would tick down until it would be time for them to get out of the elevator and see what next rather random, wacky thing would approach them and change how everything ran. And they didn't have to wait long, eyes opening unintentionally by the still-constant scare that the ding of the elevator was, only to hear.. Loud music?

Player grinned widely, and immediately tumbled out of the elevator with no regards to care, scrambling to the shoddy, one-story house that looked just like their own. It made them feel at home at hearing the party music, and seeing the colors of the house the exact same as their old one in the game; cream walls, with a red roof. They walk in through the door, or lack thereof, and saw the bright lights and music. Player grinned wildly and jumped in the midst of the dancing people, trying to put a bit of their own moves in as well.

But a blaring noise would basically cut right through the teenager's thoughts as their head whipped around to the television, seeing a warning.. A meteor was about to crash into the house?! This specific house- They were stunned for a second, then tried to tug one of the partygoers out, yet they didn't budge..? It freaked Player out, they didn't even speak. They were hardly NPCs, then.. They decided to leap out of the house upon smelling something burning, only to hear the house crash behind them seconds after they leaped out.

Landing face-first in the grass, some debris narrowly flew over their head, scaring the life out of them as they stumble to their feet in time to see more meteors crashing down. This was definitely not normal, especially not for things they knew. So their normal instinct was undeniable.

And what would they do?

Panic, of course.

And panic they did, running about like a chicken with no head, barely dodging the meteors tumbling from the sky with no rhyme or reason, no plan in mind other than not dying. They were clumsy and at times even tripped over what seemed to be air, tumbling under a tree that a meteor somehow ricocheted off of, shocking them a bit with a dropped jaw.

They peeked up to see a meteor, flaming hot and red, dropping from the sky like rain toward them with a burning hot glow, almost entrancing with a deadly truth hidden behind it, causing Player to press themselves into the tree, closing their eyes and waiting for the impact, burning, and pain.

Yet it never came.

Player found themselves in the elevator to the sound of the doors shutting, making them get to their feet again, trying to catch their breath as they moved to one of the walls, hands grasping tightly around the railing on the side of the elevator, trying to calm themselves down, one hand going through the bouncy yellow hair atop their head as they contemplate the fact that they just saw three people get murdered in what looked to be a near replica of their own house.

..That surely wasn't going to change their brain chemistry forever, was it? But either way, they remained standing, relying on the cold of the handrail to make themselves not zone out and get more and more afraid. All they could do was wait for the next floor.

roblox one-shot hellHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin