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  "Shit head! Wake up".

Scrounging to cover herself with the bed sheets, Daphne was routinely met with a familiar presence standing over her- Jimmy Darling, Jupiters one and only.

"Jesus! Do you mind?", she brushed her wild hair from her eyes, violently throwing her body back into the mattress. Some people get to enjoy the luxury of privacy, not Daphne however.

"Your friend is here- says you guys are going to a movie or somethin'?", his face was screwed in disapproval, also taking it upon himself to throw his entire body mass onto her fluffy pink sofa, courteous of her dear friend.

"I forgot about that", she croaked, sounding rather manly.

Practically sliding onto the floor of her tent like a deflated ballon, and pulling out denim shorts and a skimpy top, looked at Jimmy expectantly. The delinquent simply stared back, looking at her strangely. This ordeal continued for a long minute.

"Doofas, get out", she rolled her eyes as realisation hit him, scurrying to give her a shred of privacy.

The sun was blinding, and Daphnes mood had already been deflated by a lack of remaining bacon.

"Snooze ya' loose", Ethel's Boston accent chimed, ruffling the girls already disheveled hair, "pretty boys waiting for ya'".

As he had for the previous five years the man, older in years but not maturity, leant against his car and stared at his watch lazily. Sensing her presence without having to hear or see her, the man damn near barfed at the sight in front of him.

"With the piteous empathy of my beating heart I plan to take us for a treat, and this is what you wear?".

"Shut up snot face", she scrunched her face at him and didn't break her usual routine of dirtying his prestige dashboard with her tatted shoes. He scowled at this, but had grown too accustomed to it to mention it anymore. She rested her head on the window, the beating sun assaulting her pale skin, and felt herself drifting back into a blissful slumber.

The man beside her sighed in annoyance, pushing her shoulder eagerly.

"I must tell you something".

Opening one eye to sense what expression he wore, she urged him to proceed.

"I sat awake in my room last night when I had an epiphany", he paused in attempt to create anticipation, "I'm going to be a wine connoisseur" .

Used to his fluctuating aspirations, she failed at stifling a snicker. His face dropped at this, his infamous frown now prominent.

"Oh you're one to laugh! What is it you want to be- a poet? Poets are boring", his childish comebacks were nothing but humorous, however intended to be hurtful. He stepped on the gas in a rage, upset his only friend did not take his dreams seriously- she was always finding a new reason to berate him.

"I wasn't laughing at you!".

"Yes you were, don't deny it!".

The pair bickered back and forth all the way until the movies, where a sudden silence brought a peace to their squabbling. Both eyes squinted in deliberation, they quickly concluded that it was too much of a fine day to spend it indoors.

"What are they playing again?", she twisted her hair around her finger, scowling at passersby.

"Hamlet", he sighed.

They shared a knowing look and he quickly pulled out of the parking lot and towards their favourite place.

Her feet hit the ground with such a force her knees almost buckled, and the man still mid air looked down with an awful look.

"My pants are dirty! Why did they install this useless gate?".

"Oh come on Dandy, stop being a prissy!".

"I am not a prissy!", she angered him so much, to the point where his head spun in annoyance and he ground his teeth like a feral coyote.

She did have a plus side, though, as she would follow him through hell and back, sometimes leading the way herself. She didn't try and protect him from the darkness, only providing a light when he wanted one.

With his beige trousers now marked by the oak wood, and a few exchanges of cuss words, the pair hurried to their usual spot. Now commenced a murderous spree of pigeon shooting, the closest thing to Dandy's deepest desires and the closest thing Daphne could stomach.

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