Chapter 1: Road To Adventure

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Driving down the road in a pace through the Texas landscape through blazing hot sun as the local heat had came through, was a van a red van with people inside; they had driven through the long winding road through the Texas State county while on a road trip.

These people were in a total group of six young youth in their early teens to such and beyond the below of the age counter and so on forth, they all had names.


They had sat down in the van while the remaining four sat in the back and the main two Susan and Anthony having to sit up front while Anthony drove the van and Susan had sat in the passenger seat staring out the window as the van moved driving past a large numberous acres of wheat fields, sunflower fields and tall grass as well as spotting some people that had been out tending to their crops and such forth from onwards and back.

"Hey when do you think we can stop somewhere?" Rich asked.

"The sooner the better." Anthony said.

"And when is that?" Rich asked.

Anthony had looked at Rich who sat cross legged on the vans floor.

"I said the sooner the better." Anthony said with a deadpan expression on his face.

"Yeah but when is soo-" Rich was about to ask.

"Richard will you just shut the fuck up and let him drive for fuck sakes!!!" Darryl said.

"Okay sorry geez, damn dude." Rich had said.

The rest of the ride had been silent and for a moment and the half until one then had spoken again.

"So why are we exactly going on the road for?" Mabel said.

"My dad is in the Harlow hospital because of a traumatic injury due to the result of his time being in the Vietnam war." Susan said.

"And so you scheduled a whole road trip because of that?" Rich said.

"Well yeah, but that's only because we're coming back on our trip from visiting California and all and well I wanna make sure that he's alright, the bond between a father and a daughter is sacred." Susan said.

A momentary rival of silence had fallen on the group of friends.

"Hey so does anyone wanna know about the history of the slaughterhoude industry?" Darryl said.

"Not really no." Melissa said.

"Too late I'm saying it anyways." Darryl said.

Darryl had went on telling the story anyways.

"So anyways you see the slaughterhouse used to be the infamous place for their workers day in and day out taking cattle in and knocking them out the old fashioned way." Darryl said.

"They did it with a hammer to the head pulverizing the skull leaving the cattle behind as to be a way to remain braindead, then they kill it, hang it up, skin it, and then prepare the meat, then they would chop it up package it, wrap it up, and then they'd ship it off to stores and such for families can buy said meat and cook it." Darryl said.

"Then of course the cattle gun came and had replaced all of the workers, which caused the slaughterhouse owners to fire off their workers and were eventually replaced by a piece of technology." Darryl said.

"And how the hell do you know that story anyhow?" Anthony said from the drivers seat.

"That's because my father used to be one of the workers in a slaughterhouse, he was one of the many butchers that worked their, he tells that story hundreds of times whenever I was growing up." Darryl said.

THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACREOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant