Team Umizoomi: Relieving Stress

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It had been a long day, and everyone was tired. Mila and Gino walked slowly into their room and plopped down on the bed next to each other.

"Sigh* Finally. Bed at last!" said Mila

"I know. Today was grueling!" said Gino

"Think we should move the kids from the couch?" asked Mila

"Nah, leave em. They're clearly comfortable all sprawled out like that." said Gino

"True." said Mila, standing up and stretching while walking. "Welp, think I'm gonna take a nice long hot shower."

"I think I'll join ya. I need a good wash down." said Gino

"Alright." said Mila

The two entered the bathroom. After about 30 minutes, they came out. Since they were both tired, they didn't have their normal pajamas on. Gino was wearing a tank top and his pajama pants, while Mila was wearing a pink shirt and pink sweat pants. They both got in bed.

"Phew.! What a day!"said Mila, leaning back

"I know." said Gino "There were so many broken clocks in that shop. My back is killing me from lifting all those gears."

"Want me to massage it for you honey?" asked Mila

"Yeah, that'd be nice." said Gino "But what about you? I mean you're tired too."

"Yeah, but don't worry about me. I'm not that tired." said Mila "You just turn over and relax."

Gino flipped over and Mila sat on his legs. She then began massaging his back,

"Aaaah!" said Gino in relief. "Honey, can you please go lower."

"That where it's sorest?" asked Mila


Mila moved to the lower part, and a pop was heard.

"Ooh yeah! That's the spot!" said Gino

"That better?" asked Mila

"Much. Thank you honey." said Gino

"Want me to keep doing it?" asked Mila

"Please do if you can." said Gino

Mila kept on massaging for a few minutes, with the occasional popping and cracking being heard.

"Ok, I think that's good enough honey." said Gino

"Alright." said Mila. She got up, and they both laid next to each other.

"Man, I'm 32 and already feel like I'm 45." said Gino "I'm sorry you had to do all that honey."

"Oh honey it's ok. Besides I chose to. I just wanted to make you feel better." said Mila

Mila suddenly had a sad look on her face. Gino noticed.

"You ok honey? You look sad."

"Well, it's just. Us being so worn out and your back aching reminded me that we're getting older. You know? Milli and Geo are growing up. I don't like this feeling. It, it makes me feel unattractive..."

Mila looked down into her lap. Gino smiled warmly and pulled her in.

"Oh honey, you're not unattractive. Don't ever say that. You're absolutely beautiful. Your face is gorgeous. Your eyes sparkle. Your red hair is so nice and silky. Your whole body is just...uuh"

Gino became flustered and blushed, trying to find the right word. Suddenly he found it, and wrapped his arm around Mila's waist.

"Stunning" He said, looking at her lovingly.

Mila looked at Gino the same way, and put her hand on his chest, then blushed.

They both looked at each other for a few seconds, then they began inching closer and closer, preparing to kiss. When suddenly-


Milli and Geo were standing at the door, with squinty sleepy eyes.

"Mom, dad, what're you doing?" asked Geo tiredly, rubbing his left eye after.

"Oh! Uh, nothing!" said Mila, smiling nervously

"Uh, what are you two doing up? You were both passed out." said Gino

"We just woke woke up and were confused cuz we were on the couch." said Milli

"Come on. I'll get you guys ready for bed." said Mila "But let's skip baths tonight. You can take them tomorrow morning."

Mila got the twins ready for bed, then came back and laid down.

"They asleep?" asked Gino

"Yep. It sure didn't take long." said Mila "Man. THAT was close!"

"Oh yeah! Good thing we barely started." said Gino "But speaking of that, where were we?"

"I think we were about here." said Mila, kissing Gino for 10 seconds before pulling away.

The couple looked at each other lovingly once again. Then, they began kissing once again, and the camera panned up.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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