His smile fades, "Well...I am busy...but I want to help you out as a Commander of the squad you wish to join."

"I was actually planning on joining as a squad leader but that needs to be approved first."

He smiles again, "Well, I'll hurry with my meeting, please wait for me at the mess hall tonight, I would enjoy to properly conversate with you about the Survey Corps."

My eyes lit up, "Sure, I'd enjoy that, well see you later then Commander."

He shakes his head, "Call me Erwin."

I nod and walk in the opposite direction excited for meeting Erwin tonight in the mess hall.


I reached Nile's office and he looked more agitated than usual and he sighed when he saw me,

"Hello Erwin, please sit down so we can get this over with."

I sit quickly, "What's with the sudden need to see me, this must be important for you to be so irritated."

"Erwin, Squad Leader [L/N] requests to be reassigned to the Survey Corps, and of course I need your approval."

"Very well, if she is qualified to be a squad leader, she is capable to work under me."

Nile stands up, "Wha- how did you know that she is a girl...you met her didn't you?"

I give a side smirk nodding, Nile continues, "So you know about me and [F/N] huh?"

My eyes widen what? Nile and [F/N], are they something,


My cheeks turn slightly pink and Nile chuckles sitting down,

"You like my sister don't you?"

Now it was my turn to stand up, "Sh-She's your sister, but you never told me that you had a sister, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because she is too kind, I took care of her after her father passed a long time ago, we share the same mother and [F/N] has taken a liking of the Military life than the role of a housewife."

I smile again, "Before we make it official I would like to request that she work beside me first so I can see how she handles it, think of it as me tutoring if you will."

He arches his brow, "She is still my sister Erwin, take good care of her and make sure she is safe. This is what she wants, she always thinks that she is a burden to others and is a kind, selfless girl."

I turn to leave, "Okay Nile, I'll watch over her, and she already said that she was a burden or that she didn't want to be a burden, I'll take care of her."

He nods a thanks as I rush to the mess hall to see [F/N] waiting outside looking nervous but then I spot Levi walking up to her...Wow Levi is taller than [F/N], how cute. Levi looks to meet my gaze and points to me with
[F/N] following his finger to meet my gaze as well. She runs to me waving, Levi looking surprised but follows at a slow pace.


I run to him, "Commander Smith, you're back from your meeting; as usual it took longer than expected."

He smiles and avoids my gaze, "I told you that you could call me Erwin, since you are now one of us."


"Welcome Squad Leader, you will be under my wing for a few weeks so I can decide whether you can do it or not, think of it as training, and Levi...you can show her how to properly clean, now...shall we eat [F/N]."

He reaches his hand out to me and I shyly take it as he leads me into the almost empty mess hall. I look at the table that we are approaching, a woman with glasses, a very tall gentleman with dirty blonde hair that looked familiar to me, and the male with steel eyes that was short but taller than me, I believe Erwin said Levi. Their eyes lock on me as I sit down. The girl smiles wide,

"Hello there, I have never seen you, what's your name, I'm Hanji Zoe."

"[F/N]-[Full Name], I'm a new squad leader."

The tall male gets up and walks behind me, I turn and he sniffs up my neck and I shiver and flush,

"Wha-What are y-you doing all of a sudden?!"

He sits up and returns to his seat and Erwin interrupts,

"That's Mike, he only does that when he firsts meets someone, no need to worry, oh and this is-"

"Levi...My name is Levi, nice to meet you."

I smile as he let out a 'tch' and Hanji yells, "Awe c'mon shorty, make a friend for once, she is cute and she looks strong. It's kind of funny; she's even shorter than shorty, So [F/N], what brings you to the good old Survey Corps?"

"Actually I was a Squad Leader for the Military Police, but I wanted to do more with my life."

Levi interrupts, "Good thing, we're better than that Piece of shit Commander that they have over there in the MPs."

I sadden a little at his harsh words, what's wrong with Nile, he is a sweet heart.

Erwin defends, "Levi, you really don't understand the situation here do you."

"What, you don't like him either, you even said that someone needs to beat him up or kill him, or some shit like that."

"I never said-"

My eyes sadden and I get up alerting all of them,

"Sorry...Commander, but I think I'll take a rain check on that tour tonight, I-I good day, it was nice meeting you all."

I get up to leave but Erwin grasps my hand, "[F/N] please understand, it's a rivalry, we don't really, well I don't hate him, we went to the academy together, so did Mike."

"It's okay, I really don't get why anyone would hate him but I just need to cool down and be alone."

He lets me go, "Of course, can we talk tomorrow?"


I leave to sleep it off.


As [F/N] leaves Levi scoffs, "What's up with her and Nile, don't tell me that she actually cares for him."

I let out a angry chuckle, "You really don't know and it's pretty messed up on what you just did."

"What? What the hell did I do?"

"Nile is her older brother."

Levi's eyes turn to slight guilt, "Shit, I should probably... apologize or something."

Hanji cooed, "Aww does Levi have a soft spot for [F/N]."

I turned to Levi in shock but he chuckles, "She's cute, I'll give her that, but it seems that our Commander has already sunk his teeth into her, am I right Erwin?"

Hanji jumps out at me, "Errrwwiinn, you romantic devil. Are you two dating?"

I blush slightly, "No, I just met her today as well, I didn't know that Nile had a sister, Mike did you know."

He nods and I am stunned, "When did you meet her?"

"We were a lot younger, when Nile was always sad, she never talked to me or Nile when I saw her, I was actually surprised that it was the same girl, her eyes have changed."

"What do you mean?"

"They have color now, before they were full of darkness."

We chatted for a little longer before going to sleep, I need to apologize to [F/N].

Love Commands: Erwin X Reader (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now