Amidst the flurry of discussions in the conference room, reporters were busy capturing moments and scribbling down notes. Suddenly, a man rose from his seat, his voice cutting through the buzz of the room as he directed his question to Hyunjin

"Mr. Hwang, will Hwang Group and Lee Group's dream hospital project, HLH, pick up where it left off?" he inquired.

For a brief moment, the ravenette's demeanor softened, a flicker of emotion crossing his face before he returned to his usual stoic expression. "Yes," he responded, his tone measured. "We are currently discussing future plans and considering new shareholders. Today, we have a meeting scheduled with Lee Group, and once finalized, we'll provide further details."

The room fell silent as the ravenette scanned the crowd before turning to his secretary. With a nod, he faced the front and announced, "That's all for today. Thanks for coming in. Have a nice day."

Just as he rose to leave, a sudden question pierced through the crowd, causing a ripple of murmurs among the reporters. The ravenette's expression shifted momentarily, his eyes widening before settling back into his usual stoic demeanor.

"Mr. Hwang, you're currently the hottest bachelor in Korea. Didn't you and Lee Group's younger son used to date? Or have you both broken up since you're rarely seen together these past years?" The mention of Felix, his ex boyfriend, sent a pang through the ravenette's heart.

With a calm resolve, he turned towards the reporter and firmly stated, "I've already made it clear that I won't be addressing personal matters. Therefore, I won't entertain that question." With that, he stormed out of the room, his expression betraying his anger.


Entering the office, he made his way to the large glass window overlooking Seoul city. Despite the luxurious ambiance, he found no solace in it. With a heavy heart, he ran his fingers through his hair, only to be interrupted by a knock on the door. "Sir, the meeting with the Lee Group is about to begin. Mr. Lee will be here shortly," his secretary informed him. Letting out a sigh, he turned towards him and nodded.


As he entered the room, he was greeted by a small group of people, including his secretary and several board members from both sides. Returning their nods and greetings, he made his way to his seat, acknowledging the respectful bows of the elders he passed.

Sitting down, he waited patiently for his uncle to join him, the anticipation hanging in the air. Moments later, the click of approaching footsteps drew his attention. Rising from his chair and preparing to greet his uncle with a warm smile, he turned towards the door.

But as his eyes fell upon the figure that entered, his expression shifted from anticipation to shock. It had been four years since their last encounter, yet the older man still exuded a timeless charm. Clad in Gucci from head to toe, he wore a black suit that accentuated his soft chestnut hair, cutting a striking figure.

Their eyes met, and a wave of emotions washed over him as he gazed into those cold eyes. Despite the years that had passed, the connection between them remained evident, stirring memories long buried beneath the surface.

Whispers Of Regret | HyunlixOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz